perm filename DESCR[RDG,DBL]13 blob sn#620187 filedate 1981-10-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	RLL TALK
C00005 00003	Add/Change to memo, next iteration:
C00009 00004		Short description (for AAAI Article)
C00015 00005		Version of Short PCohen rewrote (June 1980) [Taken from previous page]
C00018 00006	Mailed to NII (LENAT/CC)  18:50 26-June 
C00029 00007	Mailed to CSD.NII@SCORE 15:41 3-July
C00041 00008	Received from NII 7-July (essentially final form)
C00051 00009		Sent to DBL fr NLM report - 10 April 1981
C00064 00010	Comparison to Editors
C00066 00011	Language metaphor
C00070 00012	Ref:
C00073 00013	∂4 Apr 1981 1605-PST	CSD.GENESERETH	mrs report
C00084 00014	∂ 14 Jul 1981 2254-PDT	KAPLAN at SRI-AI	Origins of MRS
C00091 00015		[RLL Section of BES Book - Original - sent to DBL, thence to Waterman]
C00140 00016		[My version, after fix up (after Don, after DBL,from me)]
C00207 00017		RLL subChapter in BES book
C00230 00018		[DBL's version, from last page]
C00302 ENDMK
Hillel metaphor:
"Tell me what's in the Torah, while I stand on one foot."
other fellow	-> go away
Hillel		-> "Do not do ... " The rest is just example and ...

Similarly what is in RLL-1 is just simple, single idea:
	Leave parts of the representation explicit, and modifiable --
	using same formalism as what is conventionally called "data".
The rest of just implementation.
This talk will first provide motivation -- why this is a good idea, and
why and how it can, at all, work.
Then specifics of RLL-1 ...

<<Table with missing leg for Problem 1; Hammer and Nail for Soln (rep'n lang)>>
<<Broken cup for Problem 2; Glue for Soln (rep'n lang)>>

Let us pause here and ask why LISP is in such common usage --
what advantages does it have over, say, Fortran (well, we know why not 
Fortran) over, say, Pascal or the other "good" (structured) languages?
Answer is clear - Lisp is flexible and adaptable to new situations.

How does this happen: LISP code is identical, in form, to the data
it can use -- they are all S-Expressions. And LISP knows how to deal
with S-expressions in general, and hence can modify code with the 
same ease as it can manipulate data in general.
Add/Change to memo, next iteration:

0. Page numbers - there should be a blank page after the title.

1. Glossary:
	Language, Representation, Rep'n	Language, Semantics
	rll, RLL-1,
	Slot Type, slot, unit, proposition, class of units, typical member, defaults

2. Example of RLL in action - perhaps spill problem (with its control process)

3. Move much of Section 4.3 (example of defining a new type of slot using HLDefn)
	to Appendix A, so this just points there.

4. Further details
Fast-Cache for CacheValue
Fast-Put for PutValue

Add on ways of handling quantification
[Maybe Mike's 13 facts]

Note at end that we are changing it so each unit (well, each KB) knows how to
access its slots, ...

Section numbers of Appendix F, about Functions, mislabeled (with D.2, ...)

Enough for PRIMER - i.e. minimal set of commands the user must know.
(Anne's suggestion)
Present FIRST as static interpreter, then go on to show how that might be changed.

Westfold, Steve [mispelled ...]

What is our purpose -- i.e.
Verification - RLL is a success when ____. 
	i) Given any new rep'n item, we can nod our head, realizing it could be done
	ii) Others abandon their systems, realizing RLL's generality subsumes
		such systems

In overview:
There is one major distinction between what the name r..l..l.. implies, and
what this system really is and does.  When you modify some part of the
networks which describes/represents VLSI, you do NOT produce a new chip --
that is, the referent of these symbols is, of course, unchanged.
Changes to RLL-1, however, may have more far ranging effects -- the system
itself (that is, what these various symbols are actually describing) are
changed by commands to RLL-1.  Like Dorian Grey, changing these symbols
causes their extensions to be altered.

Add: ref to Music Encycl, for Bach;  also Dorian Grey

Precise Statement of our goals -
	To develop a body of mechanisms (read language) in which one can
	represent the components of a RL, and their interactions.
   (Components include: 
	Slots, Inheritance Mechanism, Matchers, Verifiers, ?Semantics? )
   Include hierarchy of existing  pieces - taken from Klone, KRL, ...,
	user can pick and choose

   Note it is NOT required that we (explicitly) encode every possible rep'nal
	construct -- our goal is to be able to develope such, readily.
	Short description (for AAAI Article)
Implementing a complex AI  task using begins by  designing and building  a
suitable representation language,  in which to  express the primitives  of
this domain are easy to express and manipulate.  (eg Parsing Trees for NL,
or Experiment Planning for MOLGEN.)   The representation language used  in
one domain is very seldom borrowed  and adaptated to serve for some  other
application -- the facilities which were desirable assets for the original
task become  limitations elsewhere.   Most  such languages  are  therefore
built essentially from scratch -- a very time consuming (and, we  believe,
avoidable) task.

Realizing this problem, we built a  language in which the components of  a
representation language could be described and built, and integrated  into
a new  representation language.   This Representation  Language  Language,
RLL, provides a  body of high  level constructs which  the user can  apply
when designing his  new language,  [significantly speeding  up this  first
step.]  RLL includes  a large library  of "representational pieces",  e.g.
including the mode of inheritance used  by the Examples link of the  Units
package, or the A-Kind-Of type of slot associated with FRL.  A novice user
can easily design his system  by simply choosing the precise  amalgamation
of these pieces  he wishes.   RLL is  then responsible  for meshing  these
parts together, to form a coherent and working whole.

A more advanced user can exploit RLL's mechanisms for designing new  parts
-- for example, a new inheritance, or new type of format permissable for a
slot.  He could then use these in the system he is building.  Once  again,
the use  of high  level  operators (such  as  Create-New-Inheritance-Like(
InstanceOf ))  will vastly  lessen  the time  required to  construct  this
desired language (compared to using, say, CAR, CDR and COND).

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

This research has forced us to examine a variety of issues -- ranging from
"what's in a language" concerns, which asks just what are the  constituent
parts of a representation language, to epistomological questions, such  as
how to handle intentional objects, or syntactic slots.

The details of how RLL  was designed can be  found in [Greiner 1980];  and
our proposals for solving many of the outstanding issues and questions are
in [Greiner and  Lenat 1980]  and [Genesereth and  Lenat 1980].   Finally,
Dave Smith's demand paging system, CORLL, frees RLL from InterLisp's  256K
storage limitation.


Genesereth, Micheal, and Lenat, Douglas  B., "?", HPP Working Paper  80-?,
June 1980.

Greiner,  Russell,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", HPP Working Paer 80-9.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", submitted to this AAAI.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand Paging System  for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, June 1980.
	Version of Short PCohen rewrote (June 1980) [Taken from previous page]
Implementing a complex AI  task often begins by designing and
building a suitable  representation language, in which the primitives
of the domain are easy to express and manipulate.  The representation
language  used in  one  domain  is  seldom borrowed  and  adapted  to
another, because the facilities  that were assets for one task become
limitations elsewhere. For this reason, most such languages are built
from scratch. The  goal of the RLL effort is  to reduce the amount of
time expended  in building a representation  language, by providing a
Representation  Language Language, that is,  a language that provides
the  user with the  components of many  representation languages, and
with the ability to integrate  them.  RLL contains a large library of
"representational pieces", for  example, the mode of inheritance used
by the  Examples link of the Units package,  or the A-Kind-Of type of
slot used  in the MIT Frames Representation  Language, FRL.  A novice
user can  easily design a language simply  by picking an amalgamation
of pieces;  RLL  is  responsible for  meshing  them together  into  a
coherent  and working whole.  A more advanced user  can exploit RLL's
mechanisms for  designing  new  parts, for  example,  a new  mode  of
inheritance, or  a new type of  format for a slot.  He could then use
these in the system he  is building.  The use of high level operators
(e.g.  "Create-New-Inheritance-Like(Instance-Of)") will greatly lessen
the time required to construct the desired language.

	The  RLL system  is an ongoing  effort. It  has recently been
used in  two small, internal tasks, an  adventure game simulation and
an  exploration into a  more complete self-description  of various of
its parts, using lower level primitives.
Mailed to NII (LENAT/CC)  18:50 26-June 

Short  description (for NII's  HPP Brochure)


Implementing  a  complex  AI  task  usually  begins  by  building  such  a
representation language.   This language  is  designed to  facilitate  the
expression and manipulation of the  primitives of this particular  domain.
Experience has  shown that  the  language used  in  one domain  is  seldom
borrowed  and  adaptated  to  serve  for  some  other  application:    The
facilities which  were  desirable  assets for  the  original  task  become
limitations elsewhere.   Most such  languages are  built essentially  from
scratch -- a very time consuming (and, we believe, avoidable) task.

Task Description

To speed up this first step, we  built a language which "knows" about  the
components of representation  languages in  general.  This  Representation
Language Language, RLL,  provides an extendable  collection of high  level
operators and constructs,  which can be  used to describe  and build  such
components.  It can  then integrate  these pieces into  a functional,  new
representation language.  The user can  use these functions to design  his
"personal" language, capable of dealing with the problems associated  with
his specfic domain and application.

RLL's open-ended  means  there  were  be an  extendable  set  of  possible
representational pieces.  The current system  knows about slots, modes  of
inheritance, specification for functions, etc.  (Much of the nomenclature,
such as  Unit  and  Slot,  is taken  from  the  UNITS  package,  described
earlier.)  (A sample mode  of inheritance is the  one associated with  the
Examples link of  the Units package,  which corresponds to  "element-of".)
Most operators  are methods  for defining  or refining  such pieces.   For
example, RLL allows the user to define the "Parents" slot as the union  of
the "Mother" and "Father" slots --  that is, (the value of) the  "Parents"
slot of an individual is a list consisting of (the value of) that person's
"Mother"  slot,  and  (the  value  of)  his  "Father"  slot.   This  brief
definition alone is  sufficient to tell  RLL everything it  needs to  know
about this slot.  RLL will  automatically invalidate the value stored  for
Fred's parents if his mother remarries; and know that only some units  may
have a Parents slots (viz. those which  had both a Mother and Father  slot
-- i.e. people).

RLL includes a large library of pre-fabricated "representational  pieces".
In fact, a novice  can easily design his  language by simply choosing  the
precise amalgamation of these pieces he wishes.  RLL will then mesh  these
parts together, to form a coherent and working whole.

A more advanced user can exploit RLL's mechanisms for designing new parts.
The "Father" example above illustrates the ease associated with defining a
new slot; designing a new inheritance, or  new type of format is as  easy.
As before,  the host  of  high level  operators considerably  lessens  the
complexity associated with constructing and integrating this new piece.

Using these parts (however they were derived,) as tools, the user can then
procede with his main task.  If he later discovers limitations in this set
of facilities, he need only redesign the offending components.  RLL's high
level operators make such modifications easy to perform; furthermore,  RLL
will automatically perform any necessary reformatting of the existing data
to conform to this new, just defined set of conventions.

Current Applications

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

An brief overview of RLL's goals can be found in [Greiner & Lenat].   This
is expanded in [Greiner 1980], which illustrating many additional  aspects
of RLL's  design and  implementation.  Finally,  an important  stand-alone
submodule of RLL is its demand paging system, CORLL, which frees RLL  from
InterLisp's 256K storage limitation. (See [Smith 1980].)


Greiner, Russell, "A Representation Language Language", HPP Working  Paper
80-9, June 1980.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", AAAI Conference, Stanford, 1980.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand  Paging System for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, June 1980.

∂Date: 27 Jun 1980 1442-PDT
From: Nii at SUMEX-AIM
Subject: Re: Short RLL Description   
To:   RDG at SU-AI
cc:   lenat

In response to your message sent 26 Jun 1980 1850-PDT

The piece you wrote is really nice and is much appreciated.
I'll go over it Doug to get his ok

∂Date:  3 Jul 1980 1119-PDT
Subject: RLL article
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE, rdg at SU-AI
cc: csd.nii at SU-SCORE

I've fixed the first 2-3 paragraphs of the RLL article.  It is
unprotected and is in my directory at SCORE (do not use the one
at Sumex) <csd.nii>broch.rll.  We are fast reaching a deadline so
could you get it back to me as soon as possible.

∂Date:  6 Jul 1980 1403-PDT - Nii at SUMEX-AIM - Rll write-up
To:   rdg at SU-AI
cc:   nii, Lenat

	I did some text editing to the version you gave me to save time.
I don't believe I changed any meanings intended in the paper.  Please
look is over and see if you are satisfied--it's in <nii>broch.rll@sumex.

1.  Try to avoid too many parenthetical remarks.  They are reserved for
    statements which can be skipped over.  Either something is worth
    saying or it isn't.  I took out most of the parentheses and made them
    into regular text.

2.  Unnecesary uses of "this" and "that"'s.  Since the text progression
    is quite logical, I replaced most of them with "the" or repeated the

3.  Look out for parallel constructs--avoid split infinitives.

4.  Use commas, ;, and -- appropriately.

Since English is my second language, I'm not the one to criticize other's
English.  However, there are some heuristics that can be learned that
might make your writing task a little easier and smoother.

Mailed to NI@SUMEX (& LENAT/cc) 13:03 7-July
	That document seemed good. I have (only) a few suggsted modifications;
our words do seem to be converging. One more iteration? When?
Mailed to CSD.NII@SCORE 15:41 3-July

RLL is a tool to facilitiate the building of expert programs quickly.   It
is itself  an  expert program,  whose  domain of  expertise  is  knowledge

Task Description

The standard first step taken in  building an application program (in  AI)
is the  design  and  implementation  of a  language  which  will  be  used
represent the knowledge this program will use.  Experience has shown  that
the language developed in one application  is seldom adaptated for use  in
other programs.  The features  that were useful  for the original  problem
become limitations elsewhere.  Thus, a specialized representation language
is redesigned  and  reimplemented for  each  application --  a  very  time
consuming task.

RLL (Representation  Language Language)  is designed  to reduce  the  time
spent building  such representation  languages.  It  is a  language  which
"knows" about the components of  representation languages in general.   It
provides the user with  an extendable collection  of high level  operators
and constructs which he  can use to describe  and build components of  his
target language.  After the user  has specified the desirable features  of
the target language,  RLL integrates these  components into a  functional,
new representation  language.  In  other words,  a user  can readily  (and
rapidly) design a personalized language, exactly suited to the domain  and
the application task at hand.

RLL's open-ended  means  there  were  be an  extendable  set  of  possible
representational pieces.  The current system can deal with pieces such  as
slots, modes  of  inheritance,  and specification  for  functions.   Slots
conform  to  the  definition  given  in  the  UNITS  package  description,
appearing earlier.  (In fact,  RLL borrowed much  of its nomenclature,  as
well as  software,  from  this  system.   [Footnote:   One  example  is  a
stand-alone submodule of  RLL, which  implements a  demand paging  system.
This frees RLL from InterLisp's 256K storage limitation.  (See  [Smith].])
UNITs also motivated an important mode of inheritance:  the one associated
with its  Examples link.   (This relationship  corresponds to  set  theory
notion of "element-of".)  There is  nothing in UNITS which corresponds  to
our use  of functional  specification.  We  are currently  exploring  this
domain, which  helps  unify  many  outwardly  diverse  concepts,  such  as
processes, mechanisms, and slots.

The initial RLL system is itself a very versatile representation language.
For most tasks, the user can use  it as he might any other  representation
language.  What distinguishes RLL is that the user is not forced to follow
the constraints imposed by this particular language; instead, he can  mold
his copy of RLL to accomodate his particular task.

RLL derives this  flexibility in two  ways.  First, RLL  contains a  large
library of largely independent, pre-fabricated "representational  pieces".
For example, there are many (mutually incompatible) ways in which one  can
associate facts with an object.  One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot,
while another is to let each unit point the list of assertions in which it
is involves.  (Consider  how to represent  "Fred is the  Father of  Mary".
Using slots, this means  filling the "Father" slot  of the unit Mary  with
the value "Fred".  In  the second notation, the  unit Mary would point  to
the assertion "(Father  Mary Fred)".)  This  first method, using  explicit
slots,  is  "active"  in   the  initial  RLL   system.   If  this   proves
unsatifactory, a simple command will instruct RLL to switch to this second
system.  From then  on, (or,  at least,  until the  user's next  alterring
command,) this modified version of RLL will understand this different  set
of instructions, and  its reactions  will follow  this second  convention.
Furthermore, RLL will automatically convert the user's existing data  into
this new format.

To effectively use  these varied  components, RLL  must "understand"  what
each does, and  how.  This information  allows RLL to  mesh diverse  parts
together, to form  a coherent and  working whole.  As  such, it should  be
possible for the  user to  design a  fairly arbitrary  language by  simply
choosing the precise amalgamation  of these pieces  he wishes; leaving  to
RLL the responsibility, and headaches, of fitting them together.

Realizing this catalog of "chunks"  will never be totally complete,  RLL's
second approach towards generality are its collection of tools designed to
help the user fabricate new parts.  These high-level operators can be used
to define a new  component, (or type of  component) or refine an  existing

For example, the user can  define the "Parents" slot  as the union of  the
"Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is,  (the value of) the "Parents"  slot
of an individual  is a list  consisting of (the  values of) that  person's
"Mother" and "Father" slots.  This brief definition (Parent = Union(Mother
Father) ) is sufficient to tell RLL everything it needs to know about this
slot.  RLL now knows  to (automatically) invalidate  the value stored  for
Fred's parents if his mother remarries; and know that only some units  may
have a Parents slots (viz. those which  had both a Mother and Father  slot
-- i.e. people).

Defining a new slot is trivial;  designing a new inheritance, or new  type
of format  is as  easy.   The host  of high-level  operators  considerably
lessens the complexity associated  with constructing and integrating  this
new piece.

These parts (however they were derived,) become the language the user  can
use for his main task.  If he  later discovers limitations in this set  of
facilities, he need  only replace, or  redesign the offending  components.
RLL's collection of  types of  parts, and its  high-level operators,  make
either type of modification relatively  simple.  As shown above, RLL  then
does the "busywork" -- such as  reformatting the existing data to  conform
to this new set of conventions.

Current Applications

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

An brief overview of RLL's goals can be found in [Greiner & Lenat].   This
is expanded in  [Greiner], which illustrating  many additional aspects  of
RLL's design and implementation.


Greiner, Russell, "A Representation Language Language", HPP Working  Paper
80-9, July 1980.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", AAAI Conference, August 1980, Stanford.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand  Paging System for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, July 1980.
Received from NII 7-July (essentially final form)


	RLL is a tool to facilitiate the building of expert  programs
quickly.  It is itself an  expert program, whose domain of  expertise
is knowledge representation.

Task Description

	The standard  first step  taken  in building  an  application
program in AI  is the design  and implementation of  a language  that
(in which to)
represents the knowledge the program will use.  Experience has  shown
that the language  developed in one  application is seldom  adaptated
for use in  other programs.  The  features that were  useful for  the
original problem become limitations  elsewhere.  Thus, a  specialized
representation language  is  redesigned and  reimplemented  for  each
application -- a very time consuming task.

	RLL (Representation Language Language) is designed to  reduce
the time  spent  building such  representation  languages.  It  is  a
language  which  "knows"  about  the  components  of   representation
languages in  general.   It  provides the  user  with  an  extendable
collection of high level operators and constructs which he can use to
describe and build components of his target language.  After the user
has specified  the desirable  features of  the target  language,  RLL
integrates these  components into  a functional,  new  representation
language.  In other words,  a user can readily  and rapidly design  a
personalized  language,  exactly  suited   to  the  domain  and   the
application task at hand.

	RLL is an open-ended language in which the user can add pieces
of language not provided in  RLL's standard repetoir.  Currently  RLL
can deal  with  pieces  such  as slots,  modes  of  inheritance,  and
specification of functions.  Slots conform to the definition given in
the UNITS package  (see page ).   In fact, RLL  borrowed much of  its
nomenclature, as well as software, from UNITS.  For example, it  uses
one of  UNITS  main  mode  of inheritance,  the  Example link.   This
inheritance  relationship  corresponds  to   set  theory  notion   of
"element-of".  However, there is  nothing in UNITS which  corresponds
to RLL's use of functional  specification.  This domain is  currently
being explored, because  it would help  unify many outwardly  diverse
concepts, such as processes, mechanisms, and slots.

	The  initial   RLL  system   is  itself   a  very   versatile
representation language.  For most tasks, the  user can use it as  he
might any other representation  language.  What distinguishes RLL  is
that the user is not forced to follow the constraints imposed by a
particular language;  instead,  he  can  mold  his  copy  of  RLL  to
accomodate his particular task.

	RLL  derives  this  flexibility  in  two  ways.   First,  RLL
contains a  large  library  of  largely  independent,  pre-fabricated
"representational pieces".   For example,  there are  many  (mutually
incompatible) ways in which one  can associate facts with an  object.
One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot, while another is the use of
pointer to a list or relevant assertions.  For example, consider  how
to represent "Fred  is the  Father of Mary".   Using slots,  "Father"
slot of the unit Mary would  be filled with the value "Fred".   Using
links, the  unit Mary  would  point to  the assertion  "(Father  Mary
Fred)".  The first method, using  explicit slots, is "active" in  the
initial RLL system.  If this  proves unsatifactory, a simple  command
will instruct RLL  to switch to  the second method.   From then  on,
(or, at least,  until the  user's next alterring  command) the  user
modified  version  of  RLL  will  prevail.   Furthermore,  RLL   will
automatically convert the user's existing data into the new format.

	To effectively  use  the  variety  of  components,  RLL  must
"understand" what each does, and how.  This information allows RLL to
mesh diverse parts together  to form a  coherent and workable  whole.
As such,  it should  be possible  for  the user  to design  a  fairly
arbitrary language by simply choosing the precise amalgamation of the
pieces he needs, leaving  to RLL the  responsibility of fitting  them

	Cataloging of  possible  components  will  never  be  totally
complete.  RLL's second approach towards generality is its  collection
of tools designed  to help the  user fabricate new  parts.  A set  of
high-level operators are  provided so  that the user  can define  new
components or a type of components, or refine existing ones.

	For example, the user  can define the  "Parents" slot as  the
union of the "Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is, the value of  the
"Parents" slot of an individual is a list consisting of the values of
that person's "Mother"  and "Father" slots.   This brief  definition,
Parent = Union(Mother Father), is sufficient to tell RLL everything it
needs to  know  about this  slot.   RLL now  knows  to  automatically
invalidate  the  value  stored  for  Fred's  parents  if  his  mother
remarries.  Furthermore  it knows  that only  some units  may have  a
Parents slots, i.e. those which have both a Mother and Father slots.
(Hence while each person or zebra should have parents, we should not
expect a VLSI chip to have such a slot, nor the unit representing the
class of functions.)

	The language  parts, however  they were  derived, become  the
language the  user can  use  for his  task.   If he  later  discovers
limitations in  this  set  he  need only  replace  or  redesign  the
offending components.  RLL's  collection of types  of parts, and  its
high-level operators, make modifications relatively simple.  As shown
above, RLL  then  does  the  "busywork",  such  as  reformatting  the
existing data to conform to the set of new conventions.

Current Status

	Although interests have  been expressed  in using  RLL for  a
variety  of  applications,  the  system  has  only  recently   become
sufficiently stable to  permit others to  use it.  Thus  far, it  has
been used in two small  internal tasks (an adventure game  simulation
and an  exploration  into a  more  complete self-description  of  its
various parts using lower-level primitives,) and one still trivial
task, which dealt with oil spills (see Hayes-Roth et al.).
	Sent to DBL fr NLM report - 10 April 1981
1. What else will be in this report - the unit's package?
2. What formatting system? SCRIBE?
3. Purpose of this report - to convince others of RLL's utility,
	or demonstrate its abilities, or ...
	In 1/2 page...
  Feel free to subset this to the size you wish.



	RLL is a tool to facilitiate the building of expert  programs
quickly.  It is itself an  expert program, whose domain of  expertise
is knowledge representation.

Task Description

	The standard  first step  taken  in building  an  application
program in AI  is the design  and implementation of  a language  
in which to
represents the knowledge the program will use.  Experience has  shown
that the language  developed in one  application is seldom  adaptated
for use in  other programs -- the  features that were  useful for  the
original problem become limitations  elsewhere.  Thus, a  specialized
representation language  is  redesigned and  reimplemented  for  each
application -- a very time consuming task.

	RLL (Representation Language Language) is designed to  reduce
the time  spent  building such  representation  languages.  It  is  a
language  which  "knows"  about  the  components  of   representation
languages in  general.   It  provides the  user  with  an  extendable
collection of high level operators and constructs which he can use to
describe and build components of his target language.  After the user
has specified  the desirable  features of  the target  language,  RLL
integrates these  components into  a functional,  new  representation
language.  In other words,  a user can readily  and rapidly design  a
personalized  language,  exactly  suited   to  the  domain  and   the
application task at hand.

	RLL is an open-ended language in which the user can add pieces
of language not provided in  RLL's standard repetoir.  Currently  RLL
can deal  with  pieces  such  as slots,  modes  of  inheritance,  and
specification of functions.  Slots conform to the definition given in
the UNITS package  (see page ?).   In fact, RLL  borrowed much of  its
nomenclature, as well as software, from UNITS.  For example, it  uses
one of  UNITS  main  mode  of inheritance,  the  Example link.   This
inheritance  relationship  corresponds  to   set  theory  notion   of
"element-of".  However, there is  nothing in UNITS which  corresponds
to RLL's use of functional  specification.  This domain is  currently
being explored, because  it would help  unify many outwardly  diverse
concepts, such as processes, mechanisms, and slots.

	The  initial   RLL  system   is  itself   a  very   versatile
representation language.  For most tasks, the  user can use it as  he
might any other representation  language.  What distinguishes RLL  is
that the user is not forced to follow the constraints imposed by a
particular language;  instead,  he  can  mold  his  copy  of  RLL  to
accomodate his particular task.

	RLL  derives  this  flexibility  in  two  ways.   First,  RLL
contains a  large  library  of  largely  independent,  pre-fabricated
"representational pieces".   For example,  there are  many  (mutually
incompatible) ways in which one  can associate facts with an  object.
One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot, while another is the use of
pointer to a list or relevant assertions.  For example, consider  how
to represent "Fred  is the  Father of Mary".   Using slots,  "Father"
slot of the unit Mary would  be filled with the value "Fred".   Using
links, the  unit Mary  would  point to  the assertion  "(Father  Mary
Fred)".  The first method, using  explicit slots, is "active" in  the
initial RLL system.  If this  proves unsatifactory, a simple  command
will instruct RLL  to switch to  the second method.   From then  on,
(or, at least,  until the  user's next alterring  command) the  user
modified  version  of  RLL  will  prevail.   Furthermore,  RLL   will
automatically convert the user's existing data into the new format.

	To effectively  use  the  variety  of  components,  RLL  must
"understand" what each does, and how.  This information allows RLL to
mesh diverse parts together  to form a  coherent and workable  whole.
As such,  it should  be possible  for  the user  to design  a  fairly
arbitrary language by simply choosing the precise amalgamation of the
pieces he needs, leaving  to RLL the  responsibility of fitting  them

	Cataloging of  possible  components  will  never  be  totally
complete.  RLL's second approach towards generality is its  collection
of tools designed  to help the  user fabricate new  parts.  A set  of
high-level operators are  provided so  that the user  can define  new
components or a type of components, or refine existing ones.

	For example, the user  can define the  "Parents" slot as  the
union of the "Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is, the value of  the
"Parents" slot of an individual is a list consisting of the values of
that person's "Mother"  and "Father" slots.   This brief  definition,
Parent = Union(Mother Father), is sufficient to tell RLL everything it
needs to  know  about this  slot.   RLL now  knows  to  automatically
invalidate  the  value  stored  for  Fred's  parents  if  his  mother
remarries.  Furthermore  it knows  that only  some units  may have  a
Parents slots, i.e. those which have both a Mother and Father slots.
(Hence while each person or zebra should have parents, we should not
expect a VLSI chip to have such a slot, nor the unit representing the
class of functions.)

	The language  parts, however  they were  derived, become  the
language the  user can  use  for his  task.   If he  later  discovers
limitations in  this  set  he  need only  replace  or  redesign  the
offending components.  RLL's  collection of types  of parts, and  its
high-level operators, make modifications relatively simple.  As shown
above, RLL  then  does  the  "busywork",  such  as  reformatting  the
existing data to conform to the set of new conventions.

Current Status

	Although interests have  been expressed  in using  RLL for  a
variety  of  applications,  the  system  has  only  recently   become
sufficiently stable to  permit others to  use it.  
RLL's power can be seen in the variety of tasks in which it has been employed:
an adventure game  simulation
an (internal) exploration towards a more complete self-description  of  its
various parts using lower-level primitives,
and a complex task in which RLL assumed the role
of expert-system builder,  designing a program to
handle with oil spills (see Hayes-Roth et al.).

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B.", 
Title = "A Representation Language Language",
Booktitle = "1-AAAI",
Organization = SU,
Month = AUG, Year = 1980)

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell", 
Title = "RLL-1: A Representation Language Language",
Number = "HPP-80-9",
Type = WP, 
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = OCT, Year = 1980)

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B.", Title = "Details of RLL-1",
Number = "HPP-80-23",
Type = WP, 
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = OCT, Year = 1980)

Key = "Genesereth",
Author = "Genesereth, Micheal, Greiner, Russell, and Smith, David", 
Title = "MRS Manual",
Note = "HPP Working Paper HPP-80-24", Month = DEC, Year = 1980)

Key = "Hayes-Roth",
Author = "Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Waterman, D. A. and Lenat, Douglas B.",
Title = "Designing Expert Systems", Note = "in construction")

Key = "Smith",
Author = "Smith, Reid G. and Friedland, Peter",
Title = "Unit Package User's Guide",
Month = DEC, Year = 1980,
Note = "(HPP-80-28, and Defence Research Establishment Atlantic # 80/L)")
Comparison to Editors
Units :: Bravo 
	- Each does somethings very nicely, but cannot be extended
	or modified -- interpreted designed for limited (and known to be
	constrained) set of tasks.
KRL :: E
	- Both try for universality, and both fail for the same reason:
	The interpreter cannot be changed. Although other effects can be
	simulated, that's as close as one can get.
ROSIE :: IBM's Editor
	- Both were designed to be learned easily, and to be inextendable.
	(Rosie's aims differ slightly from Unit's:
	Rosie's purpose is for each of understanding; as opposed to
	representational generality -- Units avoids these linguistic issues
	for the most part.)
	- Both are very general languages, designed to be modified (and to
	facilitate such modifications).  Both establish some initial
	conventions: RLL-1 has slots, EMACS is defined exclusively for screen
	- Both are bare-bones -- just enough to get started, and to be massaged
	into the form desired. 
	(Note EMACS can be [in fact, was] written in TECO.)
Language metaphor

Representation Languages share many similiarities with natural languages,
such as English.
Both can be used to express facts about the world,
and in both cases, such descriptions are in terms of very high level, and "natural"
Both are open-ended, and extendable --
new terms can be formed from old, using various established methods.
(New words can be created by adding a prefix to an existing word.
One can infer the meaning of "verbifying", as it applies a standard
method by verbifying to the noun, "verb".
Also, a word can take on a new, or extended meaning,
by using it in a new context.)

A language is more than just a dictionary of words;
it also includes a grammar which describes
how to use words to form higher level constructs,
such as Noun Phrase, Sentence, or Story.

RLL is like a very general purpose language,
which contains a large number of words, and a very encompassing  grammar.
Many users will be able to use this, sans alterations.
What distinquishes RLL from most other representational languages is its
ability to change.
It can built not only new words,
but new and different grammars as well.
Most systems impose a fairly rigid set of conventions on what they can do,
and how.
The user has no choice but to conform to these standards,
which forces some applications into awkward contortions, if it is at all possible.

It achieves this generality by describing these each of notions precisely;
representing them within RLL's own formalisms 
(much like reading an text on English, written in English).
These descriptions can then be used.
A user can combine the desired features
of several distinct languages to form
a new, specialized language, suited to his particular needs and goals.

Our eventual goal is to provide an entire catalog of these language

 provides the ability to shift amoung languages -- to use German's
capability to string nouns together, and 

Extensible langauge, for describing extensibilites:

Davis, Randall,  "Generalized procedure calling and content-directed invocation",
	SIGPLAN Noices, Vol. 12, Nol 8, August 1977, pp. 45-54

Same general ideas - of bootstrapping down & down
Sandewall, Erik, "?", IJCAI 4

Smalltalk - idea of each unit knowing what to do

Fahlman "<10% not easy to represent, and require special fixes" 
	[see IJCAI-79, p.282 - in article re: AMORD]

Fox (IJCAI-79 282-4) - make things as explicit as possible - and declarative

Georgeff (IJCAI-79 330) - can add semantics to MetaRules easily
	[use Cogn Econ to decide what needs to be recomputed]

Laubsh (IJCAI-79 516) [W German] {ATN w/Sem Nets} put concepts into Units,
	with additional facts

Leitner, Henry H (Harvard) & Micheal W Freeman(Burroughs), (IJCAI-79 525)
	store with "slot" what to do

Miller, G.A., E. Galanter, and K H Pribaum "Plans & the Structure of Behaviour,
	New York: Holt, Rinehard & Winston, 1960. (see IJCAI-79 555)
	"Major source of new plans is old plans."

Mostow & Hayes-Roth (IJCAI-79 601) - schema for heuristic search, w/slots for facts

IJCAI-79, 617  - AKO limiting - as meaning too many things, and all imprecisely
	Semantics not pure (618)
	"Prespecitifed useages of attached procedures is too restrictive"
	(but they still stop shrt of real soln - ie they add own (deepter) conventions)

Hayes "Defense of Logic" - refers to building an interpreter for the interpreter
	[see also Stefik's HPP-80-13, appearing in ?Artificial Intelligence? 1980]
∂4 Apr 1981 1605-PST	CSD.GENESERETH	mrs report
To: csd.greiner

I thought you might be interested in the progress report I gave Doug.
It includes an intro paragraph that reflects my best effort at
presenting a view of the coordination between the MRS and RLL efforts.
Look out!  Here it comes.

	Our research in knowledge representation has largely focussed
on the problem of giving a system knowledge of itself and the ability
to control its operation and modify its structure.  Two outgrowths of
this research are the Modifiable Representation System MRS and the
Representation Language Language RLL.  MRS is a minimal
self-descriptive system with the ability to reason about its own
structure and behavior.  RLL is intended to have more extensive
knowledge about knowledge representation and thereby facilitate the
tailoring the system for partiular applications.  MRS is much smaller
than RLL and is conceived of as the core from which the more
knowledgeable RLL will eventually be built.  Superficially, MRS
differs from RLL in its external language (full predicate calculus
rather than "units") and in the specific capabilities available (e.g.
general backward chaining).

MRS - A Modifiable Representation System

	As a knowledge representation system in its own right, MRS is
intended for use by AI researchers in building expert systems.  It
offers a repertory of commands for asserting and retrieving
information, with varying degrees of inference.  Information is
entered in a predicate calculus-like language of assertions and is
stored in either a propositional network or any of a variety of
specialized data representations (e.g. property lists, alists, bit
vectors).  The initial system includes a vocabulary of concepts and
facts about logic, sets, mappings, arithmetic, and procedures.

	What makes MRS special among knowledge representation systems
is its ability to deal with itself in the same way that it deals with
application domains (like geology and medicine).  In MRS, the basic
representation is described within the representation itself, and the
inference techniques used in reasoning about application domains can
be applied to reasoning about the system.  For example, MRS might use
facts about sets and sequences to determine whether a statement is
provable, or it might use facts about directed graphs to determine
that backward chaining is the most appropriate technique to use with
forward branching search spaces.

	Because of MRS's formalism and meta-level vocabulary, it's
possible for a user to ask the system questions about itself; and,
since the system has a partial self-description, it can answer many of
these questions.  More importantly, the system uses its own
description in carrying out each operation.  The upshot is that the
user can affect MRS's behavior simply by modifying this description.
With a few simple statements, it is possible to select a new data
structure (e.g. property lists) or enable a different inference
algorithm (e.g. a general procedure like property inheritance or backward
chaining or a domain specific procedural attachment).

	Furthermore, MRS is fully modifiable, i.e. it can be
converted into any LISP program by making assertions within its own
formalism (hence the name "Modifiable Representation System").  Most
knowledge representation systems were developed in the context of
particular applications, e.g. KRL and OWL in natural language and
Units in molecular biology.  The problem is that what is good for one
application is usually not perfect for another.  Although most systems
offer their users a number of options, there are often undesirable
design decisions that cannot be changed.  In MRS modifiability is a
design goal, which is realized by the system's self-descriptive vocabulary
and its handling of changes in its own description.

	Of course, bare Lisp is also fully modifiable.  One important 
difference is that MRS's language is more general than Lisp's, allowing its
user to assert arbitrary facts in the predicate calculus as well as defining
procedures.  Furthermore, the transformation to other knowledge representation
systems is facilitated by the knowledge about knowledge representation built
into larger systems like RLL.

State of Implementation and Use

	The core of MRS is fully implemented in DEC-20 Maclisp and
Interlisp and will soon be available in Franz Lisp on the Vax and
Interlisp on the Xerox Dolphin.  A separate effort is underway to
implement the system in IBM's LISP370.  MRS is being used in a variety
of research projects at Stanford, incuding the DART project (automated
diagnosis of computer hardware failures) and the Intelligent Agents
project (smart interface for computer operating systems).  The system
has been exported for trial use by the Hewlett-Packard Co. and the
Rand Corp.

	In its initial state, MRS uses a "propositional" representation
for storing information.  The representation is fully indexed and has
a flexible context mechanism.  Before carrying out any operation, the
system uses depth-first backward chaining at the meta-level to figure
out how to carry out the operation.  Initially, application-level
deductions also use depth-first backward chaining.

	In addition to the core system, several "plug-in" modules that
substantially increase the capability of MRS have been built.  The
agenda module provides the system with the ability to do breadth-first
and best-first searches in addition to the default depth-first search.
The property list module allows the user to store facts in a
frame-like property list representation instead of the propositional
representation.  The demon module allows the user to write general
"if-needed" and "if-removed" methods.

Future Work

	Our primary effort in the continued development of MRS is being
devoted to the costruction of useful new "plug-in" modules and a few 
extensions to the inference capabilities.  The issues of primary concern
at this point include an implementation of default reasoning and reasoning
with equality.

	At a more theoretical level, we are expanding the system's capabilities
to reason about its own structure and behavior.  Specifically, we would
like to give the user the capability to specify "invariants" that the system
will automatically enforce.  We would also like to implement a module that
can reason about the structure of the knowledge in particular application
areas in order to choose or design an appropriate representation.

∂ 14 Jul 1981 2254-PDT	KAPLAN at SRI-AI	Origins of MRS
To: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE, csd.Smith at SU-SCORE, csd.Greiner at SU-SCORE,
    csd.grinberg at SU-SCORE
cc: kaplan at SRI-AI

Dear people:

I need a quick answer on the following -

For a document that has to go via net to DARPA on this Wed., I mention MRS
and note that it was developed at MIT (by Mike, I think as part of his thesis). 
If this is incorrect, i.e. if he developed it here, I would appreciate it
if one of you could let me know for the sake of accuracy.

Thanks much,


Everything you always wanted to know about MRS...and more
Jerry -
	Nope.  As part of his thesis work, Mike wrote a predicate-calculus
like representation language named DB.  On coming to Stanford, he and others
(including Doug Lenat, Dave Smith Mark Stefik and myself)
began rethinking what should go into a representation language (rl);
in particular, focussing on what sorts of things
seemed wrong or incomplete about all the existing ones.

	The basic problem was that these rls were inflexible,
and were almost impossible to extend to match new user's needs and wants.
Our conclusion was, in retrospect, both simple and obvious:
By design, a rl is built to represent facts about various domains --
eg menengitus, or mathematical equations -- in such a way that the user
can readily reason about such information.
Why not design a rl which could represent itself?
This way the user could probe about the underlying "rl interpreter"
to help understand the language;
furthermore, this transperancy could permit the user
to modify the language as he wishes, easily.

The first such language designed to represent such representation language
features was RLL (for Representation Language Language).
Unfortunately need forced this to be implemented too quickly, before many
important issues were resolved.  This tension (build a good, usable language
with enough self-modifiability that our needs will be met; versus design and
build the ultimate language, spending as much time now as necessary to really
understand and resolve the wealth of time-consuming issues which would otherwise
plague future work) forced Mike to splinter off, and, with much help from
Dave and some heckling/assistance from yours truly, to begin work on that
pie-in-the-sky rl, MRS -- the Modifiable Representation System 
(or Mike Russ Smith, or the next version after MISS, or ...).
The most modifiable aspect of this system, to date, has been its name -- which
has now evolved to stand for Multiple Representation System.

Various potentially relevant pseudo-documents include
HP-80-8 (CORLL, the system on which both RLL and MRS are built)
HPP-80-9 (basic RLL manual)
HPP-80-23 (extended RLL appendices)
HPP-80-24 (MRS introduction)
HPP-81-6 (first Multiple RS paper)
"Models and Metaphors" by MRG, and Doug & my "RLL - A Rep Lan Lan" papers,
in AAAI#1.

That answer your question?

∂15-Jul-81  1122	David E. Smith <CSD.SMITH at SU-SCORE> 	Re: Everything you always wanted to know about MRS...and more    
Date: 15 Jul 1981 1121-PDT
From: David E. Smith <CSD.SMITH at SU-SCORE>
Stanford Phone: (415)497-1809
Subject: Re: Everything you always wanted to know about MRS...and more  
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: kaplan at SU-SCORE
In-Reply-To: Your message of 15-Jul-81 1108-PDT

I'd say that DB/ANALOG had considerably more impact on MRS than did RLL.  -- de2

∂15-Jul-81  1134	KAPLAN at SRI-AI 	Re: Everything you always wanted to know about MRS...and more      
Date: 15 Jul 1981 1125-PDT
Subject: Re: Everything you always wanted to know about MRS...and more  
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE, csd.smith at SU-SCORE, csd.grinberg at SU-SCORE
In-Reply-To: Your message of 15-Jul-81 1108-PDT

Thanks for the info, I have revised and sent the draft to reflect the
correct story.

Sorry for the confusion,


	[RLL Section of BES Book - Original - sent to DBL, thence to Waterman]
(ca 10 July 1981)
RLL Motivation

Expert systems are based on the observation that many problems 
(such as medical diagnosis, or legal reasoning) are very
difficult.  Due to both the sheer number of the constinuent
parts (eg court cases, or known laboratory techniques),
and to the intricacies of their interactions,
computers seem better able to cope with such tasks than humans.
So expert systems evolved, to help (human) domain expert manage 
both the bulk and complexities associated with these chores.

Experience with such expert systems has lead to an interesting,
although usually overlooked, insight:
the programs which help design and implement 
expert systems are themselves complex beasts.
Indeed, the domain of programming exhibits
the same types of complexities 
that prompted computer scientists to build expert systems in the first place.
For example, one can use partial specification equally well
in any planning task, whether the domain be
designing molecular genetics experiments or constructing computer programs.

		NEEDS WORK!! Overview of RLL

This realization triggered RLL's development.
It is, first, a collection of tools which help
the KE to construct, use, and adapt an Expert System program.
In addition, it is itself a bona-fide expert system --
knowledgable in facts about programming in general, and its own subroutines
in particular.
This competency permits RLL to "understand" its internal inference procedures,
and provides the user with a tool for modifying these programs
to meet his specifications (rather than vice versa).

<<<< Begin >>>>	****** Is this needed ****** <<<< Begin >>>>
Every ES must have a "competence model" of its domain.
It is this knowledge which allows
that system to reason about the facts of its field.
(For exmple, MYCIN's "knowledge" of the facts about meningitus
is used to answer questions about the nature, cause
and effects of this disease.)
On the other hand, although MYCIN uses a backward chaining
inference engine to perform its deductions,
its "knowledge" of this process is limited to a weak "performance model"
-- MYCIN could not tell the user why it chose this particular control structure,
or indicate how exactly it works,
except by example.

While the domain of any Expert System Building program (ESBp) is
programming, few have a real "competence model" of this domain --
i.e. few have any "deep understanding" of the
programming constructs of the target programs they are building.
(EG while AGE can construct a Blackboard based reasoning system,
it cannot reason about such a system -- to answer questions about,
for example, its effeciencies; nor can it modify that BB model, to
handle, for example, a different type of rule.)

Like the other ESBps, the RLL system begins with a store of such constructs.
This class includes a non-trivial collection of types of slots, control
mechanisms, and inheritance schemes.
Each of these units is described in RLL's formalisms.
This specification is sufficiently "deep" that arbitrary ensembles
of these parts can be combined;
and it is this collection of parts which
forms the user's particular representation language.

However RLL was designed with the realization
that no single set of starting primitives could possibly satisfy
all of the users all of the time.
Hence RLL goes on to provide a number of tools,
which the user can use in constructing his own pieces --
for example, the user can create a new type of slot or inheritance procedure
by performing a simple modification to a "close" existing one.

<<<< omit this
RLL's competence model is essential at this point.
Many indirect ramifications may arise when
such a modification is performed, and the overall system must
be able to find all parts of the systems which may be affected by this change,
and update these pieces appropriately.
RLL's collection of facts about the field of programming 
may be necessary ...
omit this >>>>
<<<< End >>>>	****** Is this needed ****** <<<< End >>>>

This permits it to "understand" what it is doing as it constructs the
target Expert System, using a reasoning process not unlike Tierasias's;
only more elaborate and encompassing.  (Ie Tierasias had only a rudimentary
understanding of certain forms, within a small set of molds.
RLL can actually create new molds as necessary.)
RLL can create new modes of inference, with the same types of steps
a program like CASNET would use to incorporate a new
fact about a patient, or a new type of disease.

The next two subsections will indicate how RLL's flexibility aided us
in designing, building and updating the Oil Spill System we built, OSS.
Section outlines the approach we followed in contructing OSS.
Notice that RLL allowed the specifics of the problem to guide the
nature and implementation of the final system
-- rather than force OSS into some particular formalism,
we designers were given great latitude in determining what
control structures to use, as well as the form of the data.
This permitted the system builders to make 
effectively all of the important design decisions,
rather than be limited by the particular options which happened
to be included in the ESBp.

One of RLL's forte is its adaptability -- this carries over to the
programs it is used to construct.
Section, in listing RLL's major points, shows how easy
it was to modify OSS, both as we were building it,
and as we revised/upgraded it, after its "completion".

We next show some of RLL's main weaknesses,
both those inherent to this type of system, and those which
are only present in the current implementation.
The conclusion answers a few remaining question - such as RLL's historical
genesis, and how problems of efficiency are solved.

	<<<<BELOW: THIS PART WAS EXCISED - it will be included in Rand report>>>> Approach to Oil Spill Problem

We outline below the approach we followed in building OSS, a program
for handling (a subset of the problems associated with) inland
chemical spills.

Step 0: Determine what problem was to be solved.  
(Note this step is unusual for KE tasks in general.
The particular task is usually fairly well defined
before the programme has even been contemplated.)  
We decided OSS would concentrate on
solving the backtrack-to-source problem; but would include
a wide range of facts pertaining to this overall inland chemical spill situation.

Step 1: Decide what data should be represented.
We encoded as units facts ranging from very general statements about spills,
down to what pipe connected to which manhole in this installation.
Note that we had NOT decided yet how to represent these facts -- ie into
what set of hierarchies, and with what properties explicitly stored --
This is delayed until Step 3, after the basic control algorithm had been proposed.
(As AA texts will show, this is a good practice, as it avoids a premature
commitment to an awkward representation.
Note further that this is only possible in a system which
permits more than one structure for the data,
and more than one mode of inteference, such as RLL.)

In addition to the standard collections of individuals (eg Pipe#34), class of
such objects (eg AnyPipe, which refers to the set of all pipes) and the features
associated with such "set theoritical" objects,
we realized we would have to represent events -- general objects
which could be gradually refined.  An example should help drive home this idea:

We may want to say general things about oil spilling into a body of water --
for example, that it causes a sheen.
We would prefer to place all such facts on one place,
eg the OilSpillingIntoWater unit, and know that every more specialized case,
eg oil spilling into the stream, will inherit such facts. (That is, that oil
will cause a sheen in the stream.)
So we would want the OilSpillingIntoStream unit to inherit everything
found in the more general OilSpillingIntoWater unit.
We could go on to describe
facts about OilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOC,
in      turn,       can       be       further       restricted       into
MachineOilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOCAfterOutFall93,    (which    can     be
restricted  to   DayOldMachineOil#2FromPipe93'sFirstOutletSpillingIntoWOC-
Of course,
these  units  are  not  simply  produced
arbitrarily -- only  when you  have something to say about  such an
event will you create a gestalt  to hold this information.  If the  fact
is general,  it should  go on  a  general event  unit, which  enables  its
descendants to inherit these facts.

Anyway, the mechanism for handling this type of inheritance is distinct from
the more standard ElementOf or SubsetOf relations; and in RLL one can state
just what is expected of this relation precisely and explicitly.

Step 2: Decide on the Control/Inference Algorithms
To properly perform this step it is essential to analyze the characteristics
of the eventual system.
For example, the complete OSS is expected to perform a variety of different tasks 
-- from determining the type of the spill to performing various
<remediation tasks>, such as notifying the authorities.
Another important characteristic of this job is the timeliness and ordering
of these tasks --
the importance of recording the name of first witness dwindles when
compared with telling him not to breathe the toxic fumes.
Hence determining the toxicity of the vapors
should be of tantamont importance,
especially when the leak might be near people.

A well structured agenda seemed ideally suited to these specifications.
(An additional plus was that
even this still immature RLL system already had this program construct.)

The agenda contains an ordered list of tasks, which are processed sequentially.
Each task is designed to performs a particular bitesize job.
For example, the goal of one task may be to determine the values
of some parameters, (e.g. the task MatType attempted to deduce
the type of material which had spilt,)
another may add other tasks to this agenda,
(for example, the task in charge of effecting the Countermeasures added
several new tasks to the agenda - one to notify the authorities, another to ...)
and a third type would print out instructions/requests to the user
(eg "go to Manhole #34 and tell me if you see oil").
Other kinds of tasks (which were not necessary for this particular domain)
could create a new concept,
or decide to rearrange the tasks on the current agenda,
in recognition of some new fact.

Executing a task meant collecting relevant rules, then ordering and firing
this list in sequence.
There are many types of rules, each charged with (attempting to) achieve a
different type of goal.
(In this sense they are similar to tasks, only in a smaller scale.)
Some rules employ a known technique (algorithm) to evaluate
the value of some attribute.
(For example, determining the toxicity of a given material by looking
it up in a table.)
Others may decide to add additional rules to this rule-set,
or propose adding a particular new task to the agenda.
Still others may suggest that the current task (in which this rules occurs)
be suspended, to await necessary new data.
(Note the flow of command is quite structured.
Each rule, task or agenda* can only effect its immediate surroundings.
More global changes are performing to sending messages to its overlord,
proposing this alteration.)

* Footnote: RLL (EURISKO) is capable of dealing with several agendae --
swapping among them as need arises.
This facility was one of many RLL features which were not needed
for this job.

We will discuss below how the rules themselves will be represented,
along with the benefits of this format.

	<<<<ABOVE: THIS PART WAS EXCISED - it will be included in Rand report>>>>

Step 3: Decide how to represent the facts/procedures/rules...

3a) Once the overall inference mechanism has been determined
3b) Decide how to represent the control mechanism
Before we can describe the sort of decisions which are made at this
point, a brief digression is necessary -- to explain RLL's basic philosophy,
and how this permits us to decide on the representation to use.
(We'll tell you when the digression is over.)

RLL is based on the "To every thing, a unit" philosophy.
This uniform representation system extends beyond just encoding the
domain knowledge -- here facts about types of oil and connectivity of pipes.
Units are used to store facts (as well as the executable code) associated
with the representation itself -- such as the descriptions for each type of
slot, or the procedure used to process a given task.

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsInto:	(M6-2)

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsFrom:	(M6-3)

     Examples:		(M6-2, M6-3, ...)
     Description:	This represents the class of all manholes.

RLL is (unfortunately) committed to using a semantic net based representation,
based on gesalts called "units",
whose attributes are defined with a set of property-value pairs*)
[* footnote: these properties are called Slots, for historical reasons.]
Within this minor constraint, RLL does provide great flexibility.
We show below that the information relevant to each type of slot is stored in
a unit.
The unit below shows that:
The value of x:FeedsInto must be a list of manholes, the only x for  which
x:FeedsInto is defined  is a manhole,  and that if  x:FeedsInto = y,  then
y:FeedsFrom = x (i.e. FeedsInto:Inverse = FeedsFrom).

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This slot maps from manholes to manholes.
     Inverse:		FeedsFrom
     HighLevelDefn:	(Composition OtherEnd ConnectedPipes)
     Domain:		Unit representing a manhole.
     Format:		SingleElements
     Datatype:		Unit repesenting a manhole.
     ToCompute:		(λ (u)  [Find the pipe, P, to which this manhole connects.
				 See which pipe, p', to which this P is connected.
				 Return the manhole m, which is connected to 
				 pipe p'.]

Note - the ToCompute of a slot indicates how to deduce its value --  i.e.
S:ToCompute is a function, F,  whose value, (F u),  is the value to  fill

It is important to realize that those facts shown above are not JUST a description
of the FeedsInto type of slot -- it really is used to define this slot.
If any of those slots were ever changed, the way this slot behaves would
be affected.  For example, declaring FeedsInto:Format is a SetOfElements would
cause RLL to redefine each FeedsInto:ToCompute to return a singleton list
rather than a single atom (corresponding to that manhole,)
and to (retroactively) fix up each value of u:FeedsInto.
[If that value was empty, it would remain empty. Otherwise the single value
v would be changed into the list (v).]

Similarly, each data structure -- each rule, task, and agenda --
is stored as a unit.  
This permits (facilitates) the data to dynamically altered during
the course of the computation, or through user input.
(IE one can use the same procedures to add in a new rule that are used
to add a new pipe, or new type of slot.)

Even the procedures of this system 
-- the parts of the control structure outlined above --
are encoded in units.
As with parts of the repesentation, these facts are actually used as the
system is run.
For brevity, we will only address one of these chunks -- the rules.

Each rule has a number of obvious attributes.
First, the rule has to store the actual code which is to be executed.  
The user is spared the task of enterring the
actual LISP expression to be run;
instead he provides a higher level specification of what this rule
is to do, and RLL "expands" this definition into that code.
There are several major advantages to
providing both high and low forms of a rule specification.
In addition to facilitating the creation of a new rules,
this higher level makes the nature of the rule easier to understand
and reason about, for both the user and RLL itself.

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     Description:	Tell the user to hold his breath if the chemical is toxic.
     IfPotentallyRelevant:	(APPLY Toxic Chemical)
     IfTrulyRelevant:	(APPLY NearbyUser ChemicalHasSeepedTo)
     ThenTellUser:	"Do not breath this chemical!!"
     ThenAddToAgenda:	EmergencyProcedures
     Priority:		High
     OnTask:		ImminentDanger

     Description: This task tries to find if the current situation is
	  		 dangerous; and if so, suggest solutions/fixes/alternatives.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#332, ...)

     Description: This task is called iff the current situation is dangerous;
			and issues many quick-and-dirty orders.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#981, ...)

-Note the rule above is what the user would type, 
and not the actual running code which RLL would compute as needed.

Notice the code for this rule is scattered about, stored in several distinct
This permits different parts to be executed independently --
for example, allowing the quick IfPotentially check to run to all of wide
class of rules; and then running the more expensive IfTrulyRelevant part
only on that small subset which passed.
The THEN parts are also split up.  Once the IF-parts have all passed, each
of those is, in sequence run.

Of course what we described above was the way the rule was evaluator, "by default"
- read that, unless the user has something else in mind.
Recall any user can readily modify that rule-evaluating procedure as well.
So, for example, the user may decide instead to execute the code implied by
the IfWorkingOnTask slot of a rule, or IfTodayIs, or any other set of slots.
(rather than the current IfPotentiallyRelevant and IfTrulyRelevant slots
now used.)  Or he may decide to compose a single IF-Part, which ANDs together
all of these, and runs these at once.  Similarly he may want the THEN parts
executed in a different order; or may have decided to only run those THEN parts
for which he has sufficient resources.

Note that this could not be done if each rule was simply a single piece
of compiled code.
We claimed above that it was easy to change the rule interpreter.
This is because that block of code is itself an RLL unit.
Like the rules, it is decomposed into nice sized chunks, which can
be independently modified.
One such hook is a list of slotnames which constitute
the IF part of a rule, together with a description of when that code should
be executed.  Details of this, and other specifications, can be found in [Greiner].

Before leaving this rule description, there are several other
"declarative" facts stored in each rule.
One important slot is the average CPU time this rule has spent, for executing
its IF parts and THEN parts, respectively.  This can be used for various
meta-reasoning tasks -- such as deciding whether to even consider this rule
in the future (ie did its bang justify its bucks).
Another field is the rule's author - be in human or another rule.
This can help decide who to credit/blame for good/bad rules; and this data
can help the overall system to improve its performance by relying more and more
on capable (that is, successful) rule writers.
Finally, the user himself can store any other type of information he wants --
these are just things which we feel may be useful types of statistics.

Similar mechanisms exist for processing agendae, or tasks, or other control
regimes. (For example a black board architecture, for other types of tasks.)
There are corresponding varieties of data structures - ways of extending tasks,
for instance.

Of course various inference schemes - most importantly an inheritance hierarchy -
is used to simplify data entry.  A new rule structure can be entered by
copying the existing prototype, and changing those entries which are inappropriate.
Most properties are simply inherited from more general ideas -- here from
RLL's facts about rules in general.  (In fact, for pedagogic reasons, we might
not even tell the novice user about RLL's extendability; or at least not until
he begins to complain about how awkward it is to encode this or that fact.
Until that time, he need never know anything more that a "behaviour description"
of the rule interpreter -- which is all he would ever know about the corresponding
evaluator in most other ESs.)

*-*-*-* Back to the plot *-*-*-*
The above description of rules, etc., was only to illustrate the type of decisions
one can make at this level. Here one can determine what sorts of executable slots 
a rule can have, and what such slots "mean" -- that is, when that code should
be executed.  
This is a further specification of the underlying type of algorithm 
(here an Ordered Agenda Execution,) and is done as a seperate step, after
the overall idea had been determined.

Step 4: Run the system, and modify what has to be modified.

While (4a) "Test the neo-natal system" is standard to ESBps, 
(4b) "Change those parts which should be changed" is not.
In RLL, all of the executable code is made explicit, and the user
is permitted to modify it to suit his design.
We saw in Step 3 some of tools RLL provides for such adaptations --
a high level specification language, and appropriate chunking of the knowledge.
There it was used for construction of parts -- but it can also be exploited
for retro-actively modifying existing parts.

As we saw, RLL's structure makes
changing the code as easy as altering any domain data
-- as the "program" used to test a rule's pre-condition is in the same format
as data about Oil#31, or any other bit of data used.

There are many levels of modifications permitted to data stored in RLL.
The simplest type of alteration pertains to domain data -- deciding that
Pipe#406 really joined Pipe#317, rather than Pipe#316 as you had thought.
This sort of fix could be performed in any ES.

But now suppose you realized that pipes could really join many pipes, rather
than just one.  This would be difficult to say in many languages --
indeed the only solution in most might require throwing away that Connected
link and defining a totally new ConnectedS link.  Even then all of the existing
data would have to be transfered, regrettably by hand.
Not so in RLL.  As the example given above shows, this could be done automatically.

The actual control mechanism could be altered as well.  In the initial simple
OSS system we simply pre-assigned a set of rules to each task.
Another approach would be to require each task to first gather those rules
it might need, and then fire those.  This required changing the basic task
processor, by simply putting in that "initialization" proceudure.
(Fortunately this was simply adding in a pre-existing known routine.)
Nonetheless, this fix was quite easy to make.

The initial implementation wasn't worried about time or space problems.
Each task ran until it thought it was done, and then the task which was
next in importance started up.  We then decided this was sub-optimal -- as
some tasks might become gradually less important, to where some sub-part of
another task would be more relevant.
So we changed the task-interpreter again, to suspend tasks after some length
of time.  Another fix could (but wasn't made) in the Agenda-processor to
only consider tasks which could be achieved in x units of time.
(This too would be easy - by adjusting the weight function, used to evaluator
the worth of each task.  The ordering of the agenda is determined by this measure.)

There were several other things which we considered but decided not to change:
One was to use more general types of rules -- where each rule could dictate
how to fire it, in each given situation -- eg when gathering rules, or testing
preconditions, or ....  This would permit IfThenElse types of rules,
or even "rules" which were simply a procedure 
-- perhaps a call to a Fortran program. RLL's Strengths and Weaknesses

Throughout this report we have pushed RLL's strengths -- basically these
all derive from RLL's "competence model" of programming in general,
and of the data structures and algorithms it uses in particular.
Not mentioned was its capability to ignore InterLisp's 256K storage
maximum, using a demand paging algorithm [CORLL], and its basic Lisp support --
providing advantages like spelling correction, and inline editors.

From the above descriptions imply that RLL is actually "executing" high level
specifications of various control algorithms.
Were this true, RLL would have sacraficed any hope for speed and
(time-)efficiency for the sake of flexibility.
That is NOT the case.  While RLL does preserve these high level descriptions
definitions, it ALSO stores what these forms "compile" into -- and it
is that latter body of code which is actually run.
Much of RLL boot-strapping code is devoted to preserving such interrelationships --
so that any change to a high level form marks the (formerly-)corresponding
executable code as invalid.  On demand (that is, the next time that code
is needed,) RLL will expand that new high level definition into runnable
code; and store these low level forms so they will accessed speedily
next time the code is needed.

Returning now to the question of efficiency, we see that RLL's code
can be arbitrarily fast.  
Rather than "interpret" the high level descriptions, RLL first "compiles"
these into efficient forms, and runs this faster code.
This costs only a constant overhead -- for the one time charge of 
expanding that terse description.  From there on the code can be
arbitrarily efficient.
Basically RLL has paid for its flexibility in terms of space -- to maintain
the different versions of the code -- and not in time.
More details on how these multiple versions are maintained, used and cached
can be found in [CogEco].

RLL's biggest problem, at this stage of its development, is its immaturity.
By design, it will continuously incorporate new facts about control structures,
forms of representation and modes of inheritance.
However, OSS was built way too early in this ongoing design process.
For example, RLL had never encountered a Solvable Problem before --
all of its previous work had been directed towards AM-like searches --
things which never terminal with a final verdict (ie RLL knew about tasks
like "Find examples of primes", but not about things like "What is the source
of the spill").

Another big weakness, which also stemmed from its youth, was its lack of
a user front end.  A trivial example involves the way we were forced to
enter the code -- everything was in a LISPy (GetValue 'Material
'Name), rather than a nicer "Material's name".
At a deeper level, RLL did not yet have any notion of context --
this forced us designers to explicitly type (continuing the above example)
"Material name" rather than the (sufficient) "name".

A good front end could have aided in the design of this system, by suggesting
appropriate data structures and algorithms as we went.  This too was missing.

The final major fault seems almost paradoxical:
it was RLL's total adaptability.
Too much freedom, we found, forced us to spend considerable time
deciding which really was the best.
This time, of course, was not ill-spent; the final OSS is certainly
better than any comparable system which forced out hand at each step,
molding out final code to match its limited set of components.
However, any such external constaints would have
narrowed down our search, and helped us finish the system in the
four days we were allotted.
Once again this type of problem could have been alleviated in a more
mature system, which included a competent front end which would have
served as "gentle guide" during this building process. Conclusion

We will conclude win a perspective of RLL -- in terms of its past, its
current status, and our long term plans.

A year ago, RLL began as a two week project to build a representation language on
which the EURISKO system would be built.
We soon realized many non-trivial research issues had to be addressed before
such a general, "self-encoding" language could be constructed.
(We eventually abandoned the quest for this ultimate language, satisfying
ourselves with the generality which was possible within a limited set of
constraints.  The more theoritical aspects of this rll work was taken up
by other members of the HPP community; and their next step is described in

The current system plays a necessary boot-strapping role -- certain parts
of the system must be present, as these are used to fill in other parts.
(For example, the code which is used to expand high level definitions must
be present -- or at least enough of it to generate the rest of it.)
The initial control mechanism was the one needed for the EURISKO work --
which was an Agenda structure.  OSS used a minor variant of this system.

In the long run we will actually build RLL into the MRS system -- viewing
each of the seperate decomposable parts of this systems as an MRS module,
which can be individually or collectively plugged in (ie activated).
Using MRS as a Lingua Franca, RLL will be able to absorb a large corpus
of knowledge and examples from a multitude of users -- the MRS community.
Each of these other modules will hold facts about a particular domain, or
part of that domain -- eg Medical tutoring, VLSI design, or planning experiments
in the field of Genetics.
For its part,
These RLL-based MRS modules will store facts about certain types of representations,
together with their major applications.
Important in this list will be expertise about expertise.  
It is this knowledge which will enable RLL to fashion new ESs with greater
efficient and accuracy.

While other ESBp systems have proven expedient for tackling particular problems
in particular domains, we feel such systems will always be limited
in the scope of problems they can solve.  
We feel this problem is intrinsic to such programs, at least until
they, like the human programmers they are trying to emulate,
are capable of a crude understanding the code they are composing at something
more than the superficial level now attains.
RLL was written with the goal of attaining this necessary
	[My version, after fix up (after Don, after DBL,from me)]
∂ Monday,  6 Jul 1981 15:33-PDT		Re: tools chap
Cc: don at RAND-UNIX
In-reply-to: Your message of 25 Jun 1981 1502-PDT.
From: don at RAND-UNIX

Doug:  I reorganized your section for you -- the material I pulled out will
go into the Rand Report.  Naturally, you will have to modify the content of
the chapter yourself.  It still needs a bit of work to smooth it out and
change the emphasis from a description of the SPILL program to a
description of RLL using the SPILL problem to illustrate important points.
I need your revised chapter as soon as possible (yesterday) so I can send
the publishers we are considering the draft of the book they have been so
patiently awaiting. We will not send them anything on the metacognition
section since (I assume) it won't be ready for some time.

I put a copy of the tools chapter draft into the mail for you today. It
may help to see how the other people have organized their sections of
the chapter.



(16 July 1981)
2.4.1 RLL

Expert systems (ESs) are based on the observation that many problems 
(such as medical diagnosis, or legal reasoning) are very
difficult.  Due to both the sheer number of the constinuent
parts (eg court cases, or known laboratory techniques),
and to the intricacies of their interactions,
computers seem better able to cope with such tasks than humans.
So expert systems evolved, to help (human) domain expert manage 
both the bulk and complexities associated with these chores.

Experience with such expert systems has lead to an interesting,
although usually overlooked, insight:
the programs which help design and implement 
expert systems are themselves complex beasts.
Indeed, the domain of programming exhibits
the same types of complexities 
that prompted computer scientists to build expert systems in the first place.
For example, one can use partial specification equally well
in any planning task, whether the domain be
designing molecular genetics experiments or constructing computer programs.

This realization triggered RLL's development.
It is, first, a collection of tools which help
the KE to construct, use, and adapt an Expert System program.
In addition, it is itself a bona-fide expert system --
knowledgable in facts about programming in general, and its own subroutines
in particular.
This competency permits RLL to "understand" its internal inference procedures,
and provides the user with a tool for modifying these programs
to meet his specifications (rather than vice versa).

This section will quickly overview this RLL system, taking examples
from our experience coding up OSS -- the Oil Spill System.
As a secondary goal (in addition to describing RLL,) we hope to
express our conviction that (i) a self-encoded system -- one which can
begin to "understand" its own operations to where it can assist in
performing such modifications --
is immensely worthwhile, especially in the long run;
and (ii) that the price of this capability is really not that great.

! Overview of RLL

Every ES must have some "competence" of its domain.
It is this knowledge which allows
that system to reason about the facts of its field.
(For example, MYCIN's "knowledge" of the facts about meningitus
is used to diagnose patients who have this disease, and 
to propose medications.)
On the other hand, although MYCIN uses a backward chaining
inference engine to perform its deductions,
its "knowledge" of this process is limited to a weak "performance model"
-- MYCIN could not tell the user why it chose this particular control structure,
or indicate how exactly it works,
(except by example).

	<<<Doug - this paragraph must be changed for political reasons>>>
While the domain of any Expert System Building program (ESBp) is
programming, few have a real "competence model" of this domain --
i.e. few have any "deep understanding" of the
programming constructs of the target programs they are building.
(EG while AGE can construct a Blackboard based reasoning system,
it cannot reason about such a system.
For example, it cannot answer questions about its efficiencies;
nor can it modify its basic Blackboard model to handle,
for example, a different type of rule.)

Like the other ESBps, the RLL system begins with a store of such constructs.
This class includes a non-trivial collection of types of slots,
(such as Isa or RangeType,)
control mechanisms,
(eg Backward chainers and agenda processes,)
and inheritance schemes
(for example, the ExampleOf relation).
Each of these units is described in RLL's formalisms.
This specification is sufficiently "deep" that arbitrary ensembles
of these parts can be combined;
and it is this collection of parts which
forms the particular representation language KE will use.

However RLL was designed with the realization
that no single set of starting primitives could possibly satisfy
all of the users all of the time.
RLL therefore include provide a number of tools,
which the user can use in constructing his own pieces.
For example, the user can easily create a new type of slot 
or inheritance procedure.
(One standard "creation" method involves copying
a "close" existing chunk, then modifying that copy.)

RLL's competence model of programming is essential at this point.
There are many indirect ramifications which arise when,
say, a new laboratory technique is added to Molgen's data base;
similarly there are a host of actions which must be taken
when some part of the underlying representation is changed.
Just as Molgen's code is responsible for propogating the effects of this
new data, so the overall RLL system will
find the parts of the systems which may be affected by this change,
and update these pieces appropriately.

RLL allows the specifics of a problem to guide the
nature and implementation of the user's final ES
-- rather than force the system into some particular formalism.
The KEs are given great latitude in determining what
control structures to use, as well as the form of the data.
This permits the system builders to make
effectively all of the important design decisions,
rather than be limited by the particular options which happened
to be included in the ESBp.

So much for the overview and motivation.
The rest of this RLL section attempts to flesh out this skeletal description.
Subsection explains how facts are represented in RLL ,
and shows how this structure is adequate to handle knowledge
about both the particular domain (eg Oil Spills) and RLL internals themselves
(eg facts about slots or control mechanisms).
This section includes a concrete example, using RLL's management of rules
to show first how the facts are stored, and then
how various type of
modifications can be done -- ie how RLL has attained this degree of flexibility.
Section describes the control structure used for this partcular OSS
application, in a fair amount of detail.
This sections also explains how RLL can simultaneously be explicit and perspecious,
and yet maintain a high level of efficiency.
The last two concluding sections describe first, how RLL fits into the world,
and then overviews what still has to be done.

! Knowledge Representation in RLL

RLL is based on the "To every thing, a unit" philosophy.
This uniform representation system extends beyond just encoding the
domain knowledge -- here facts about types of oil and connectivity of pipes.
Units are used to store facts (as well as the executable code) associated
with the representation itself -- such as the descriptions for each type of
slot, or the procedure used to process a given task.

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsInto:	(M6-2)

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsFrom:	(M6-3)

     Isa:		(AnyClassOfObjects)
     Examples:		(M6-2, M6-3, ...)
     Description:	This represents the class of all manholes.

RLL is (unfortunately) committed to using a semantic net based representation,
based on gesalts called "units",
whose attributes are defined with a set of property-value pairs*)
We will show below the great flexibility RLL does provide,
within this minor constraint.

[* footnote: these properties are called Slots, for historical reasons.
We use the notation Unit:Slot to refer to the value of the Slot slot of
the unit Unit.]

The above units refer to specific objects which exist in the real world --
eg M6-3 represents manhole #2 on ? #6 --
or classes of such objects --
as AnyManhole encodes facts about the set of all manholes.
Other types of units which refer to things like events, which,
unlike individuals, can have varying degrees of generality.
An example should help illustrate this point:

We may want to say general things about oil spilling into a body of water --
eg, that it causes a sheen.
Ideally all such facts should be stored in one place,
say the OilSpillingIntoWater unit, 
in such a manner that every more specialized case,
will inherit these facts. 
Ie we would expect RLL to conclude
that oil spilling into a stream will cause a sheen in that stream
once it knows that
OilSpillingIntoStream is a specialization of
We could go on to describe
facts about OilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOC,
in      turn,       can       be       further       restricted       into
MachineOilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOCAfterOutFall93,    (which    can     be
restricted  to   DayOldMachineOil#2FromPipe93'sFirstOutletSpillingIntoWOC-

It is important to realize that these  units  are  not  simply  produced
arbitrarily -- 
such event units are created only when there is some
pertanent fact to preserve about the event.
When the  fact
is general,  it should  go on  a  general event  unit, which  enables  its
descendants to inherit these facts.

Anyway, the mechanism for handling this type of inheritance is distinct from
the more standard ElementOf or SubsetOf relations; and should be treated as such.
RLL insures this seperation by allocating
different units to store facts about each type of inheritance.
Various properties of these inheritance-defining units
indicate how to initialize a new unit
(as stating that Pipe#33 is an Example of AnyPipe should be handled quite
differently from the statement that OilSpillingIntoStream is a 
Specialization of OilSpillingIntoWater), or how the values of some slot
may be altered, to maintain this particular inheritance relation.
(eg the SubstanceSpilt of any Specialization, S, of OilSpillingIntoWater must be
some refinement of Oil, whereas S:TimeOfSpill can be arbitrary.
Analogously Pipe#33 can have slots like Length or TimeOfCreation, but not
things like Father or RangeType.)

Exactly how such data is encoded is far too detailed (and irrelevant) for
this report; the important fact is that such facts can be
stated precisely and explicitly in RLL.
Furthermore, such facts can be altered by the user, if his task demands it.
Indeed, the user can even create new "representational pieces":
As none of RLL's prior tasks had needed this Specialization inheritance,
our starting system did not have this particular feature.
We therefore had to design and build 
this totally new mechanism, and incorporate it into RLL,
an all but impossible for most ESBps.
Thanks to tools RLL provided, this chore was quite easy.
Note that this feature is now a part of RLL --
subsequent users can now use this type of inheritance,
as easily as any of the other ones RLL "always" provided.

[*fnnote: Returning to a point made in the introduction,
we envision RLL will be constantly growing -- largely through additions
provided by its users.  Eventually this growth, we hope, will slow down;
once a "critical mass" of useful features have been built.  Needless to say,
this has not yet occurred.]

Slots are another type of representational piece.
As with inheritance modes,
the information relevant to each type of slot is stored in a unit.
The unit below shows that:
The value of x:FeedsInto must be a list of manholes, the only x for  which
x:FeedsInto is defined  is a manhole,  and that if  x:FeedsInto = y,  then
y:FeedsFrom = x (i.e. FeedsInto:Inverse = FeedsFrom).

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This slot maps from manholes to manholes.
     Inverse:		FeedsFrom
     HighLevelDefn:	(Composition OtherEnd ConnectedPipes)
     Domain:		Unit representing a manhole.
     Format:		SingleElements
     Datatype:		Unit representing a manhole.
     ToCompute:		(λ (u)  [Find the pipe, P, to which this manhole connects.
				 See which pipe, p', to which this P is connected.
				 Return the manhole m, which is connected to 
				 pipe p'.]

Note - the ToCompute of a slot indicates how to deduce its value --  i.e.
S:ToCompute is a function, F,  whose value, (F u),  is the value to  fill

It is important to realize that those facts shown above are not JUST a description
of the FeedsInto type of slot -- it really is used to define this slot.
If any of those slots were ever changed, the way this slot behaves would
be affected.  For example, resetting FeedsInto:Format to be SetOfElements
(rather than SingleElement) would
cause RLL to redefine FeedsInto:ToCompute to return a singleton list
rather than a single atom (corresponding to that manhole,)
and to (retroactively) fix up each value of u:FeedsInto.
[If that value was empty, it would remain empty. Otherwise the single value
v would be changed into the list (v).]

Similarly, each data structure -- each rule, task, and agenda --
is stored as a unit.  
This permits the data to dynamically altered during
the course of the computation, or through user input.
(IE one uses the same procedures to add in a new unit, independent
of whether that unit represents a new rule,
a new pipe, or new type of slot.)

Even the procedures of this system are encoded in units --
including especially the parts of the control structure outlined below.
As with parts of the repesentation, these facts are actually used as the
system is run.
For brevity, we will address details of only one of these chunks -- the rules.
Section 2.4.1.?, which overviews the contol structure actually used,
will then sketch the other parts of the system's control,
emphasizing the advantages which come from "unitizing" these parts.

! Example - How RLL Encodes Rules

Each rule has a number of obvious attributes.
The primary facet of each rule is the actual code which is to be executed.  
RLL spares the user the arduous task of enterring the
actual LISP expression to be run;
instead the user can type a more laconic high-level specification
of what this rule is to do.
RLL then "expands" this definition into that executable code.
(This is done in a very general, RLL-ish manner,
using facts stored in the name of the slot.
Hence it is the unit associated with the ThenTellUser slot which "knows" to
expand a message, like
("Do not breath this chemical, " Chemical "!!"
 " It is " (Toxicity Chemical) ".")
into code which prints it when the user is present --
(PROGN	(WriteToUser "Do not breath this chemical, " (GetVal Chemical) "!!")
	(WriteToUser " It is " (GetVal (Toxicity Chemical)) "."))

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     Description:	Tell the user to hold his breath if the chemical is toxic.
     IfPotentallyRelevant:	(APPLY ToxicP Chemical)
     IfTrulyRelevant:	(APPLY NearbyUser ChemicalHasSeepedTo)
     ThenTellUser:	("Do not breath this chemical, " Chemical "!!"
			 " It is " (Toxicity Chemical) ".")
     ThenAddToAgenda:	EmergencyProcedures
     Priority:		High
     OnTask:		ImminentDanger

     Description: This task tries to find if the current situation is
	  		 dangerous; and if so, suggest solutions/fixes/alternatives.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#332, ...)

     Description: This task is called iff the current situation is dangerous;
			and issues many quick-and-dirty orders.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#981, ...)

- Note the rule above is what the user would type.
RLL would use this to compute the actual to-be-run code, as it was needed.

There are several major advantages to
providing both high and low forms of a rule specification.
In addition to facilitating the creation of a new rules,
this higher level makes the nature of the rule easier to understand
and reason about, for both the user and RLL itself. [fnnote *]

RLL is able to use different versions of the
definition of the procedure or slot for different type of tasks,
in much the same manner that InterLisp handles both compiled and interpreted
forms of each function.
When a user wishes to examine or edit a function, IL pulls in that function's
source listing, rather than force the user to peruse LAP code.
However it is that low-level LAP code which IL actually runs.
Similarly when someone wants to examine a rule,
(ie estimate how long it will take, or determine what sorts of things this
execution will affect,)
the rule's concise "declarative" form of the specification is offered.
This, of course, is NOT the form which is actually run.
The much-less-perspicious expanded form is used for this purpose.
This also represents a sizable savings of run-time speed.
Section 2.4.1.?.3 addresses this, and related, issues.]

The example above shows how the specifications for this rule is scattered about,
stored in several distinct slots.  
This permits different parts to be executed independently --
for example, allowing the quick IfPotentially check to run to all of wide
class of rules; and then running the more expensive IfTrulyRelevant part
only on that small subset which passed.
The THEN parts are also split up.  
In common practice, once the IF-parts have all passed, each
of the THEN parts is run, in the appropriate order.

The description above is
the way a rule is evaluated "by default" --
that is, unless the user has something else in mind.
Recall any user can readily modify that rule-evaluating procedure as well.
So, for example, the user may decide instead to execute the code stored
on the IfWorkingOnTask slot of a rule, or IfTodayIs, or any other set of slots.
rather than the current IfPotentiallyRelevant and IfTrulyRelevant slots
now used.
Or he may decide to compose a single Total-IF-Part, which ANDs together
all of these, and runs these at once.  Similarly he may want the THEN parts
executed in a different order; or may have decided to only run those THEN parts
for which he has sufficient resources.

Note that this could not be done if each rule was simply a single piece
of compiled code.
We claimed above that it was easy to change the rule interpreter.
This is because that block of code is itself an RLL unit.
Like the rules, it is decomposed into nice sized chunks, which can
be independently modified.
One such hook is a list of slotnames which constitute
the IF part of a rule, together with a description of when that code should
be executed.
We will return to this point in the next section, which discusses the basic
control structure.

     Isa:		(AnyRuleInterpreter)
     Description:	This is the standard procedure used to interpret a given
			  rule.  It first executes the AND-junction of the rule's
			  If-Parts.  If the result is nonNIL, it executes all of
			  rule's Then-Parts.
     HighLevelDefn:	(IF (AND-Junction ProcessPart IfParts)
			    (AND-Junction ProcessPart ThenParts))
     UsedByRules:	(Rule#3 Rule#5 ...)

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	The value of this slot is the list of slots of the unit
			  (here a rule) which descend from the class, AnyIfPart.
			  These are ordered by the value of their respective
     HighLevelDefn:	(PutInOrder (Subsetting MySlots 
						(ValueIncludes Isa AnyIfPart))
     MakesSenseFor:	Rules
     Datatype:		Slots
     Format:		OrderedSetOfElements

Simplified version of the Standard Rule Interpreter.
Much of its code is "hidden" in the parts of the HighLevelDefn -- eg 
IF, AND-Junction, ...  Of course, these too are units, and are visible to the
interested user.
(The IfParts unit is shown, to dissuade those who do not believe this claim.)

Before leaving this rule description, there are several other
"declarative" facts which might be stored in each rule.
One important slot is the average CPU time this rule has spent, for executing
its IF parts and THEN parts, respectively.  This can be used for various
meta-level reasoning tasks 
-- such as deciding whether to even consider this rule
in the future (ie did its bang justify its bucks).
Another field is the rule's author - be in human or another rule.
This can help decide who to credit/blame for good/bad rules; and this data
can help the overall system to improve its performance by relying more and more
on capable (that is, successful) rule writers.
Finally, the user himself can store any other type of information he wants --
these are just things which we feel may be useful types of statistics.

Of course various inference schemes -- most importantly an inheritance hierarchy 
-- are used to simplify data entry.  
A new rule can be entered by merely copying that existing prototype,
and changing only those entries which are inappropriate.
Hence the bulk of the properties are simply inherited from more general ideas 
-- here from RLL's facts about rules in general.  *

In fact, for pedagogic reasons, we might
tell the novice user only about a small subset of the slots he actually
might be able to change -- and let him believe that these are the only
things he can affect.
He would only be about this dimension of RLL's extendability
he begins to complain about how awkward it is to encode this or that fact,
or wonders why he can't seem to capture some particular type of idea.
Until that time, for example,
he would have nothing more that a "behaviour description"
of the rule interpreter 
-- which is all he would ever know about the corresponding
evaluator in most other ESs.]

The above description of rules illustrates the degree of flexibility
available to the user at the designing stage.
The current RLL includes many rule interpreters which we, the RLL designers,
felt were appropriate and useful.
It is important to realize, however, that the eventual user is not limited 
to only these.
Not only is he free to design his own interpreters,
but RLL aids in this mission, by providing tools which facilitate
constructing such interpreters.  
Indeed, as these tools are represented in RLL as well, the user can even
construct his own building aids, if he feels the need.

There are similar mechanisms for implementing the processes used for
"running" agendae, or tasks, or other control regimes.
(For example a black board architecture, for other types of tasks.)
Corresponding to each such process is the data structure to which
it applies;  and RLL includes means for extending or adapting those as well
-- ways of extending tasks, for instance.

This section tried to demonstrate how useful RLL's competence
in this programming domain
is when designing and building a new expert system.
The next subsection shows another application of this facility --
when the user  wishes to modify his existing ES.
Here the user has the option of changing his mind later,
and know that RLL will modify not only the code,
but perform the retroactive updates to his data required to keep code and data
in synch.

! RLL's Modifiability

Different system have different conventions defining what part of the running
system is changable, and which is, to all but the most sophisticated user,
untouchable.  By design even casual users can enter, change or delete
"domain data" -- facts, in this case, about the connectivity of pipes,
or the precise placements of various buildings.
(Eg if the user later realizes that 
Pipe#406 really joined Pipe#317, rather than Pipe#316 as you had thought.)

In many representations systems,
the user can addres and modify generic objects as well --
for example, respecify which features are well-defined for types of roads,
or redraw the taxonomical information about types of oil.
In addition to these, some languages
permit the user to define totally new types of
relations -- in the form of new slots for our RLL language.
(For example, the FeedsInto slot which was handily defined as the
Composition of the OtherEnd and the ConnectedPipes slots.)

These definitions can be used to redefine the "meaning" of a slot as
well as initiate one.
Suppose you realized that pipes could really join many pipes, rather
than just one.  This would be difficult to say in many languages --
indeed the only solution in most might require throwing away that FeedsInto
link and defining a totally new FeedsIntoS link.  
Even then all of the existing
data would have to be transfered, regrettably by hand.

In RLL, on the other hand, all of the executable code is made explicit,
and the user is permitted to modify it to suit his design.
As section ? pointed out, RLL provides various tools for such adaptations --
for example, the high level specification language for functions,
and the use of appropriately chunking the knowledge.
(These are the same things which proved so useful for constructing of parts
-- but it is also be exploited for retro-actively modifying existing parts.)
RLL's uniform representation of facts makes
changing the code as easy as altering any domain data
-- as the facts which specifies a slot's arity is in the same format
as data about Oil#31, or any other domain or representation fact.
Furthermore, RLL's "understanding" of things like SingleElement and SetOfElements
allows it to do all the appropriate fixes, automatically.

RLL extends this modifiability to include the control structure as well.
This permits the user to
construct his own form of control, as he needs it.

The next section outlines the contol structure we found useful for this
particular Oil Spill task.  We wish to emphasize, again, that this Agenda
mechanism is but one of several control structures which will appear in the
mature RLL product -- and that the user could have designed his own from
smaller pieces supplied by RLL, using tools present in RLL.

!  Control

The decision of which
type of the control structure, and the appropriate set of inference algorithms,
should be based on the desired characteristics of the eventual system.
For example,
the complete OSS is expected to perform a variety of different tasks 
-- from determining the type of the spill to performing various
remediation tasks, such as notifying the authorities.
Another important characteristic of this job is the timeliness and ordering
of these tasks --
the importance of recording the name of first witness dwindles when
compared with telling him not to breathe the toxic fumes.
Hence determining the toxicity of the vapors should be of tantamont importance,
especially when the leak might be near people.

A well structured agenda seemed ideally suited to these specifications.
(An additional plus was that
even this still immature RLL system already had this program construct.)

This Control subsection has three other parts.  The first is simply
a quick behaviour sketch of this overall mechanism.  The second part goes
into more detail, describing how these chunks of code were generated,
encoded, and processed.
These descriptions seem to imply the RLL must, necessarily, be hideously slow.
This is NOT the case.
The third part specifically addresses the issues of speed and efficiency --
a sufficiently important, and misunderstood,
point that it deserved to be included in this description of RLL.

! Overview of Agenda Mechanism

The agenda contains an ordered list of tasks, which are processed sequentially.
Each task is designed to performs a particular bitesize job.
For example, the goal of one task may be to determine the values
of some parameters, (e.g. the task MatType attempted to deduce
the type of material which had spilt,)
another may add other tasks to this agenda,
(for example, the task in charge of effecting the Countermeasures added
several new tasks to the agenda - one to notify the authorities, another to 
begin the clean up process, etc.)
and a third type would print out instructions/requests to the user
(eg "go to Manhole #34 and tell me if you see oil").
There were several other (pre-existings) kinds of tasks 
which were not necessary for this particular domain --
for example, one type could suggest and create a new concept,
while another might decide to rearrange the tasks on the current agenda
in recognition of some new fact.

In general, executing a task involves
first collecting relevant rules, then ordering and firing
this list in sequence.
(For this limited oil spill project, this collection step was trivial --
it was simply looking up the set of rules pre-stored on each particular task.)
There are many types of rules, each charged with (attempting to) achieve a
different type of goal.
(In this sense they are similar to tasks, only in a smaller scale.)
Some rules employ a known technique (algorithm) to evaluate
the value of some attribute.
(For example, determining the toxicity of a given material by looking
it up in a table.)
Others may decide to add additional rules to this rule-set,
or propose adding a particular new task to the agenda.
Still others may suggest that the current task (in which this rules occurs)
be suspended, to await necessary new data.
(Note the flow of command is quite structured.
Each rule, task or agenda* can only effect its immediate surroundings.
More global changes are performing to sending messages to its overlord,
proposing this alteration.)

* Footnote: RLL (EURISKO) is capable of dealing with several agendae --
swapping among them as need arises.
This facility was one of many RLL features which were not needed
for this job.

! The Details of the Agenda Mechanism

We chose to view each part of the overall control as a process --
each operation took some prescribed type of input, and performed
some action, possibly returning a result.
As sketch in the previous subsection, the "Agenda-Processor" looked like this:

Initialize <Agenda>
Loop thru <Tasks>:
  Get next <Task>, T
  Process T
PostMortem <Agenda>.

The "Task-Processor" is (not surprisingly) similar:

Initialize <Task>
Loop thru <Rules>:
  Get next <Rule>, R
  Process R
PostMortem <Rule>.

as is the overall OSS Process -

Initialize <OSS-System>
Loop thru <Agenda>:
  Get next <Agenda>, A
  Process A
PostMortem <OSS-System>.

This commonality was factored out, and exploited by defining the 
EuriskoProcess * unit, shown below,
as a common "ancestor" to both task-processors and agenda-processors
(as well as other types and levels of control structure - such as the overall
top-level systems for both Eurisko and this OSS projects).

[*fnnote: RLL was developed as the underpinnings for the EURISKO project,
described in [?].  As this system relies on a sophisticated, and modifiable
agenda mechanism, this control structure was the first one developed and
incorporated into RLL.]


	Isa:		(AnyClassOfObjects)
	SuperClass:	(AnyProcess)
	SubClass:	(AnyTaskProcess, AnyAgendaProcess, ...)
	Examples:	(FullEURISKO-System, FullOSS-System ...)
	TypicalExample:	TypicalEuriskoProcess

	TypicalExampleOf:  AnyEuriskoProcess
	FunctionalSlots:   (LispFn ToInitialize ToSelectNextSub ToXeqSub

Now defining the task processor is fairly straightforward --
first create the OSS-TaskProcessor unit as an example of
AnyTaskProcess, and then fill in the values of its functional slots:
ToInitialize, ToSelectNextSub, ToXeqSub, and ToPostMortem.
(As we'll see in a moment, the value of LispFn is generated from these
components.  As such the user is NOT expected to enter this value.)
Actually the user's chore is further simplified as any of these slots
he leaves unspecified defaults to the value of the corresponding slot of
TypicalTaskProcess.  *

This only works because the various involved slots are all "inheritable
slots" -- ie their respective values can be determined by following
the inheritance paths; and because
the first prototype these tasks will find is TypicalTaskProcess.]


	Isa:		(AnyClassOfObjects)
	SuperClass:	(AnyEuriskoProcess)
	SubClass:	()
	Examples:	(OSS-Task-Process)
	TypicalExample:	TypicalTaskProcess

	TypicalExampleOf:  AnyTaskProcess
	ToInitialize:	   DefaultTaskInitializer
	ToSelectNextSub:   DefaultRuleSelector	
	ToXeqSub:	   DefaultRuleProcessor
	ToPostMortem:	   DefaultTaskPostMortemor

These "functions", 
DefaultTaskInitializer, DefaultRuleSelector, etc., are themselves units,
which the user can examine and modify, if desired.

The "LispFn" of this OSS-TaskProcessor is now filled in, by connecting the
code present (or virtually present) in the various functional slots of the
OSS-TaskProcessor unit, to correspond to the schema shown in above.

Unfortunately, at this point, no one (or rather, no task)
knows about this nice assembled clump of code. 
To tie it in, each task which wants to use it must point to this 
OSS-TaskProcessor.  Setting the value of Task#34:ToProcessMe to 
OSS-TaskProcessor achieves ths effect.  
In fact, as the value of this ToProcessMe slot is inheritable, setting
the value of 
TypicalOSSTask:ToProcessMe to this OSS-TaskProcessor means everything
which includes TypicalOSSTask as a prototype will use 
OSS-TaskProcessor by default 
-- unless the user, wanting
a different task processor to be used for this particular task,
explicitly stored the name of that processor on this slot.

Creating the OSS-AgendaProcessor is quite similar,
here exploiting facts stored on TypicalAgendaProcessor as needed.
You may note that it is the Agenda controller which decides what to do
with each task.  By default, each agenda "processes" each of its tasks,
using the mechanism which looks on that task's ToProcessMe slot, and
calls that function on this task.  Of course, the agenda is not forced
to do this -- it may "know better", and use some other task-processor --
for example, on which is less accurate but quicker, for all the tasks.
Or it may only use this power sometimes, for example, if the agenda processor
is told that storage space is low, or whatever.

! Efficiency

From the above descriptions, one may infer that RLL is actually
"executing" high level
specifications of various control algorithms that the user input.
Were this true, RLL would have sacrificed any hope for speed and
(time-)efficiency for the sake of flexibility.
That is NOT the case.  
As we showed earlier
(footnote on p. ?), RLL preserves both these high level descriptions
definitions, AND what these forms "compile" into -- and it
is that latter body of fast code which is actually run.
Much of RLL boot-strapping code is devoted to maintaining
these correspondences --
so that any change to a high level form marks the (formerly-)corresponding
executable code as invalid.  On demand (that is, the next time that code
is needed,) RLL will expand that new high level definition into runnable
code; and store these low level forms so they will accessed speedily
next time the code is needed.

Returning now to the question of efficiency, we see that RLL's code
can be arbitrarily fast.  
Rather than "interpret" the high level descriptions, RLL first "compiles"
these into efficient forms, and runs this faster code.
This costs only a constant overhead -- for the one time charge of 
expanding that terse description.  From there on the code can be
arbitrarily efficient.
Basically RLL has paid for its flexibility in terms of space -- to maintain
the different versions of the code -- and not in time.
More details on how these multiple versions are maintained, used and cached
can be found in [Lenat et al] and [Greiner].

!  System Facilities

The report, so far, has emphasized RLL's strengths 
which derive from it's "competence model" of programming in general,
and of the data structures and algorithms it uses in particular.
Many of its other wins are due to its environment.
Because it is is built on top of CORLL,
a demand paging system [CORLL],
RLL is able to
ignore InterLisp's 256K storage maximum,
and store an almost unlimited number of units.
Other big advantages come from InterLisp itself --
including things like spelling correction and inline editors.

RLL's biggest problem, at this stage of its development, is its immaturity.
By design, it will continuously incorporate new facts about control structures,
forms of representation and modes of inheritance.
However, OSS was built way too early in this ongoing design process.
For example, RLL had never encountered a Solvable Problem before --
all of its previous work had been directed towards AM-like searches --
things which never terminal with a final verdict (ie RLL knew about tasks
like "Find examples of primes", but not about things like "What is the source
of the spill").

Another big weakness, which also stemmed from its youth, was its lack of
a user front end.  A trivial example involves the way we were forced to
enter the code -- everything was in a LISPy (GetValue 'Material
'Name), rather than a nicer "Material's name".
At a deeper level, RLL did not yet have any notion of context --
this forced us designers to explicitly type (continuing the above example)
"Material name" rather than the (sufficient) "name".

A good front end could have aided in the design of this system, by suggesting
appropriate data structures and algorithms as we went.  This too was missing.

Another system related short-coming, again ephemeral, is RLL's dependency on
InterLisp.  Our long term plans are to build RLL into a module which can
be run in MRS [MRS] (we'll return to this point in the Conclusion).
RLL will, at that point, inherit
the machine and LISP-dialect independence of MRS.

RLL's final major fault seems almost paradoxical:
it was it's immense adaptability.
Too much freedom, we found, forced us to spend considerable time
deciding which really was the best.
This time, of course, was not ill-spent; the final OSS is certainly
better than the product of any system which forced out hand at each step,
molding our final code to match the ESBp's limited set of usable components.
However, as such external constaints would certainly have
narrowed down our search, we might even have finish the system in the
four days we were allotted.
Once again this type of problem could have been alleviated in a more
mature system, which included a competent front end which would have
served as "gentle guide" during this building process.

!  Conclusion

We will conclude win a perspective of RLL -- in terms of its past, its
current status, and our long term plans.

Two years ago,
RLL began as a two week project to build a representation language on
which the EURISKO system would be built.
We soon realized many non-trivial research issues had to be addressed before
such a general, "self-encoding" language could be constructed.
(We eventually abandoned the quest for this ultimate language, satisfying
ourselves with the generality which was possible within a limited set of
constraints.  The more theoritical aspects of this representation language
language work was taken up
by other members of the HPP community; and their next step is described in

The current system plays a necessary boot-strapping role -- certain parts
of the system must be present, as these are used to fill in other parts.
(For example, the code which is used to expand high level definitions must
be present -- or at least enough of it to generate the rest of the 

In the long run we will actually build RLL into the MRS system -- viewing
each of the seperate decomposable parts of this systems as an MRS module,
which can be individually or collectively plugged in (ie activated).
Using MRS as a Lingua Franca, RLL will be able to absorb a large corpus
of knowledge and examples from a multitude of users -- the MRS community.
Each of these other modules will hold facts about a particular domain, or
part of that domain -- eg Medical tutoring, VLSI design, or planning experiments
in the field of Genetics.
For its part,
these RLL-based MRS modules will store facts about certain types of representations,
together with their major applications.
Important in this list will be expertise about expertise.  
It is this knowledge which will enable RLL to fashion new ESs with greater
efficient and accuracy.

While other ESBp systems have proven expedient for tackling particular problems
in particular domains, such systems seem inescapably limited
in the scope of problems they can solve.  
We feel this problem is intrinsic to such ESBps, at least until
they, like the human programmers they are trying to emulate,
are capable of a crude understanding of the code they are attempting to
to compose -- an understanding which is far deeper
than the superficial level any current system (including RLL) has yet achieved.
RLL was written with the goal of attaining this necessary


[Greiner80] - "RLL-1: ..."
[Greiner & Lenat80a] - AAAI
[Greiner & Lenat80b] - Details of RLL
[Lenat, Hayes-Roth, & Waterman] - Cognitive Economy
[Smith] CORLL
[Genesereth, Greiner & Smith] - MRS


	RLL subChapter in BES book
∂14-Oct-81  0932	jackie at RAND-UNIX 	    RLL chapter
To: RDG at SU-AI


Here is the portion of a document I am writing that deals with your
language.  This will become part of the final report on the expert
system workshop.  It is a summary of the report you made about the
workshop experience.

Please read this carefully and correct any errors or misconceptions
on my part.  The only constraint is that the text length must not
increase.  The report goes to publication on October 22, so please
respond by October 20 at the latest (1 week from now).

Thanks for your help,



∂TO DON@Rand-Unix, JACKIE@Rand-Unix, CSD.LENAT@SCORE  17:19 19-Oct
RLL chapter

Don -

Sorry to force you into so massive a rewrite.  It appears the document
I was writing was an order of magnitude more detailed than you wanted...

I made a few corrections to the document.
Many of the comments are changing "modalities" -- to give the report
a higher intersection with reality.
Others are pointers to references, which the interested reader can then

Anyway, the lines preceeded by "***" are the original;
my changes are flagged by ">>>".
(IE deleting the lines beginning with "***" leaves you with
my alterred report; deleting the ">>>" lines leaves the paper you sent.)

Thanks for you giving me a last word,




    Overview of RLL

	    RLL is a 
>>>    structured
    collection of tools to help the knowledge engineer
    construct, use, and modify expert systems (Greiner and Lenat, 1980,
    Barstow, et al., 1982).  In one  sense  RLL  is  itself  an  expert system
***    --  knowlegable  
>>>    --  knowledgeable  
    in facts about programming in general,
    and its own subroutines in particular.  This competency permits RLL  to
    "understand"  its  internal  inference procedures, and provides the
    user with  a  means  for  modifying  these  programs  to  meet  his
    specifications.  The RLL system contains a collection of constructs
    useful to the knowledge  engineer,  including  different  types  of
    slots,  control  mechanisms,  inheritance  schemes,  and methods of associating
***    procedures  with  relevant  knowledge.  
>>>    appropriate actions to help access particular facts. 
    RLL organizes
    these  constructs  into  a library to help the user access them and
    provides tools to help the  user  manipulate,  modify  and  combine
    them.  For  example,  if  the  user decided he needed a new type of
    slot or inheritance procedure he could create one by  performing  a
***    simple  modification  to a similar existing one.  
>>>    simple  modification  on a similar existing one.  
    Furthermore, with RLL the user can create new modes of inference using the same types
    of  steps a program like CASNET would use to incorporate a new fact
    about a  patient,  or  a  new  type  of  disease.  RLL  allows  the
    specifics  of the problem to guide the nature and implementation of
    the final  system  --  rather  than  force  the  system  into  some
    particular  formalism.   Thus  the  knowledge  engineer  has  great
    latitude in determining the type of control, as well as the form of
    the data.

    Problem Considered

	    The RLL team concentrated on the general crisis  management
    problem  with  special emphasis on determining the source location.
    They considered subproblems  ranging  from  identifying  the  spill
    material  to  performing  remediation  tasks, such as notifying the
    authorities.  The  problem  of  dealing  with  the  timeliness  and
    ordering  of subtasks was also considered (e.g., recording the name
    of a witness to a toxic acid spill should be deferred until
***    he  is
>>>    after he has been
    warned not to breathe the fumes).

    Design of the Resulting System

	    The RLL team decided their model would play the role of the
    spill  crisis  management  expert.  Thus  the  model  coordinates a
    number of tasks, including directing the activities  of  the  spill
    observers, sending out new teams, and notifying authorities.

	    The RLL model incorporates facts ranging from very  general
    statements about spills to specific connections between manholes in
    the drainage basin.  Also included are representations  of  events,
    such  as  "oil  spilling into a body of water causes a sheen." Both
    facts and events are represented as RLL "units."
>>>    (RLL inherited these constructs from KRL and the Units package.  See
>>>    [Bobrow & Winograd] and [Stefik] for additional information.)

	    Control of the  model  is  based  on  an  agenda  mechanism
    containing  an  ordered list of tasks to be processed sequentially.
    Each task  is  designed  to  perform  a  particular  job,  such  as
    determining  the  spill  material,  implementing countermeasures or
    printing instructions to the user.  Tasks may add new tasks to  the agenda,
    e.g.,  the  implement countermeasures task 
***    might add tasks for authority notification or  spill  containment.  
>>>    adds tasks for authority notification and for  spill  containment.  
    Task  execution
    involves  collecting  relevant rules, ordering them, and firing the
    list in sequence.  The rules may  determine  new  information,  add
    additional  rules  to  the  current  ruleset, add new tasks to the
>>>    current
    agenda or suspend the current task to await necessary new data.

	    The RLL team attempted to make the  model  as  general  and
    extensible as possible.  Each piece of knowledge
***    added to the model
***    was generalized or abstracted.  As a result, most  of  the  model's
***    knowledge  is  usable in both the oil spill problem and
>>>    was added to the 
>>>    appropriate place in the model, connected to the appropriate
>>>    generalization.  As a result, this  model's knowledge could easily be
>>>    extended beyond the oil spill problem, to handle, for example,
    the convict problem (locating an escaped convict by tracing the
    roads he  could travel).
    The  team  chose  to sacrifice "performing a flashy demo"
    for "representing things the right way"; but had to sacrifice  both
    to  get even a meager demonstration program  running.  A transcript
    of the RLL model being applied to the spill  problem  is  given  in
    Appendix E.

    Evaluation of RLL

	    RLL's  strengths  derive  primarily  from  its  "competence
    model"   of   programming  and  of  its  own  data  structures  and
***    Thus RLL models can reason about their  own  operation
***    and manipulate their own data structures in a very general way. 
>>>    Thus an RLL model can reason about its  own  operation
>>>    and manipulate its own data structures in a very general way.  
***    An example of this generality is the ease  
>>>    This generality was demonstrated by the ease  
    with  which  the  RLL  team
    abstracted  the  model  to  handle a broader class of problems. 
    An example of the modifiability of an RLL model is fact that  the  RLL
    team could
>>>    (and did)
    easily modify the RLL task interpreter to change the low
    level control of the model.  RLL pays for its flexibility in  terms
    of  space  rather  than  time.   
>>>    (This is explained in [Lenat, Hayes-Roth & Klahr, Cog Sci],
>>>    and particularized in [Greiner, RLL].)
    To  offset  the  additional  space requirements, RLL
***    has the capability  to  ignore  InterLisp's  256K
***    storage maximum, using a demand paging algorithm.
>>>    uses a demand paging algorithm to 
>>>    ignore  InterLisp's  256K storage maximum. (See [Smith, CORLL].)

***	    A major weakness of RLL is its lack of a  user  front-end.
>>>	    RLL has several major weaknesses, all stemming from its immaturity.
>>>    Its lack of a  user  front-end proved a serious limitation.
    All  code for the spill model had to entered in a Lisp-like format.
    A good  front-end  would  have  facilited  the  system  design  by
    suggesting appropriate data structures and algorithms.

[[[	I shifted the order of the next two paragraphs.	]]]

***	    A third weakness of RLL is its  lack  of  constraints.  
>>>	    This problem was exaggerated by RLL's  lack  of  constraints.  
    The RLL  team  found  that  too  much  freedom  forced  them  to  spend
    considerable time deciding which really was the best representation
    and   control  structure.   Some  external  constaints  might  have
    narrowed the search and helped them finish  their  program  in  the
    alloted three days.

***	    A second weakness is its immaturity.
>>>	    A third weakness is RLL's current "ignorance".
    By  design,  it  will
    continuously  incorporate new facts about control structures, forms
    of representation and modes of inheritance  as  it  encounters  new
    applications.  However, when the RLL spill model was built RLL  had
    never  encountered  a "solvable problem" before -- all its previous
    work had been directed towards AM-like searches (Lenat, 1977).  RLL
    knew  about  tasks  like  
***   "Find  examples of primes,"
>>>    "Find  examples of primes",
    but not about tasks like "What is the source of the spill".

	    The experience of the  RLL  team  with  the  spill  program
    illustrated  that  under  very  tight  time  constraints  a simpler
    language such as EMYCIN or LISP could achieve results more  quickly
    than  RLL.  It  also  reinforced their view that building an expert
    system is an incremental approach to competence.

[[[	Is this \/ from Appendix E?  If not, what is in that appendix?	]]]

    Knowledge 1: M6-2 feeds into M6-1.

	    This piece of knowledge is static knowledge that represents
    a piece of the drainage network in the spill problem.  It says that
    pipe M6-2 feeds into pipe  M6-1  in  the  network.  This  knowledge
    would  be  used to help define the topology of the drainage network
    so it could be searched.

	    RLL  Representation.  This  is  handled  within  the  units
    framework,  using  units  that  represent M6-1,
***    M6-2 the "feeds into" relation, and the manhole concept.
>>>    M6-2, the "feeds into" relation, and set of all the manholes.

	      Isa:         (AnyManhole)
	      FeedsInto:   (M6-1)

	      Isa:         (AnyManhole)
	      FeedsFrom:   (M6-2)

	      Examples:    (M6-1, M6-2)
	      Description: The class of all manholes.

	      Isa:         (AnySlot)
	      Description: This slot maps from manholes to manholes.
	      Inverse:     FeedsFrom
	      Definition:  [Lisp code that indicates how to deduce the value
***			    of the slot, e.g., the manhole it maps into.]
>>>			    of the FeedsInto slot of some manhole, i.e.,
>>>			    the manhole it maps into.]

    Knowledge 2: All Permanent Storage Tanks Are Diked.

	    This knowledge can  be  represented  either  statically  or
    procedurally  and  means  that all the permanent storage tanks have
    walls or ditches to insure that spills will be contained.

***	    RLL Representation.  In RLL this would be represented as
>>>	    RLL Representation.  One way to represent this in RLL involves
    two units: AnyStorageTank and a universal variable (called x).

	      Description         The class of all permanent storage tanks.
	      UnivElements:       (x)

	      UnivIsa:            (AnyPermanentStorageTank)
	      MyDefiningSlots:    (UnivIsa TimeOfStorage)
	      MyAssertionalSlots: (Diked?)
***	      Description:        All facts stored here are true for all
>>>	      Description:        The facts stored here are true for all
				  permanent storage tanks.
	      TimeOfStorage:      Permanent
	      Diked?:             T

    Knowledge 3: If The Chemical Is HF,
		 Then Tell The Observer Not To Breathe It.

	    This knowledge is cleary procedural  and  is  an  important
    warning that should be given as soon as the chemical is identified.

	    RLL Representation.  The information can be represented as an
    RLL rule as shown below:

	      Isa:              (AnyRule)
	      IfTrulyRelevant:  ((EQ 'Chemical HF))
	      ThenTellUser:     "Do not breathe the chemical!!"
	      Priority:         High
	      OnTask:           ImminentDanger

>>>  Note the unit above shows only what the user would have to tell RLL.
>>>  The system can now compute the value for many additional slots as needed.
>>>  The various slots which store executable LISP code
>>>  (correspond to these declarations) are computed in this way.

∂27-Oct-81  1448	mary at RAND-UNIX 	References 
To: RDG at SU-AI
Cc: mary at RAND-UNIX

Russell Greiner:

        In the corrections for Don Waterman's document, you make
        reference to Smith, CORLL.  Do you have the whole
	citation for the paper?  Thanks.

				Mary at Rand-Unix

∂TO MARY@Rand-Unix 16:38 27-Oct
CORLL paper
You probably want some subset of this:

Smith, David E., "CORLL Manual, A Storage and File Management System
for Knowledge Bases", Stanford Heuristic Programming Project,
Memo HPP-80-8 (Working Paper), November 1980.
[11 pages]

Anything else I can provide?

	[DBL's version, from last page]
(17 July 1981)
Draft of RLL section of Building Expert Systems

2.4.1 RLL

Expert systems evolved to help (human) domain experts manage both the bulk
and the  complexities  associated  with  knowledge-intensive  tasks.   One
interesting and important observation is that the task of building  expert
systems is itself a suitable one to  make the target of an expert  system.
This realization  triggered  the  development  of  RLL,  a  representation
language language.

RLL is, first,  a collection of  tools which help  the knowledge  engineer
(KE) construct, use, and adapt expert system programs.  In addition, it is
itself  a  bona-fide  expert  system   --  knowledgable  in  facts   about
programming in  general,  and its  own  subroutines in  particular.   This
competency permits RLL to "understand" its internal inference  procedures,
and  provides  the  user  with  a  mechanism  --  simple  editing  of  the
descriptions of those subroutines -- for modifying the RLL environment  to
suit his current task.  All  too often, KEs have  had to twist the  facts,
rules, relations,  etc. of  a task  in order  to fit  it into  some  rigid
representation scheme.

This section will quickly overview  this RLL system, taking examples  from
our experience coding up OSS -- the Oil Spill System.  We hope to show the
gains  from  self-describing  and  self-modifying  software,  as  well  as
presenting techniques for recapturing any of the efficiency lost by  going
down this route.

! Overview of RLL

The hallmark  of an  expert  system is  competence  in some  task  domain.
Usually, this does not extend  to comptence in meta-cognition, an  ability
for a program  to reason  about its  own structure  and behavior.   MYCIN,
e.g., doesn't "know" that it uses a backward chaining inference engine  to
perform its deductions, let  alone WHY it uses  such a control  structure.
AGE, e.g., cannot answer questions about the efficiencies of itself or  of
the programs it  write, nor can  it modify its  basic Blackboard model  to
handle, say, a different type of rule.

RLL begins, as  does each  KE himslef, with  a library  of useful,  common
types of  slots  (IsA, Inverse,  RangeType,  and several  hundred  others)
control mechanisms, (backward  chaining, agendae,  and a  few others)  and
inheritance schemes.  Each of these is represented internally in RLL as  a
unit, a frame-like data structure of attributes (slots) and values.  Thus,
each kind of slot, each kind  of control scheme, each inheritance mode  is
described within  RLL's  formalisms.   Some  of  the  units  are  standard
mechanisms for modifying  "domain knowledge",  and they can  now serve  to
modify any  part  of  RLL  itself.   One  dangerous  consequence  of  this
philosophy is  that they  can modify  themselves, perhaps  destroying  the
ability of the system thenceforth to be self-modifying.

At any moment, some ensemble of the units are combined into a  description
of the desired current system, and  RLL behaves in the prescribed  manner.
That ensemble defines a representation language which the KE can  "freeze"
if he desires,  and use  for some  particular application  he must  build.
This is the  reason we call  RLL a representation  language language.   No
single set of starting primitives could possibly satisfy all of the  users
all of the time.

To help the KE  tailor the language  to his current  task, RLL provides  a
number of tools (all represented as  RLL units, of course) which the  user
can use  in constructing  his own  pieces, and  in combining  pieces  into
ensembles.  For example, the user can easily create a new type of slot  or
inheritance procedure.  Typically, he would  copy a similar existing  unit
and edit  that copy.   RLL then  "compiles" the  changed description  into
executable code.

RLL's competence model of programming comes  in at this point.  There  are
many indirect  ramifications  which  arise when,  say,  a  new  laboratory
technique is added to  Molgen's data base; similarly  there are a host  of
actions  which  must   be  taken   when  some  part   of  the   underlying
representation is  changed.   Just as  Molgen's  code is  responsible  for
propogating the effects of this new  data, so the overall RLL system  will
find the parts of  the system which  may be affected  by this change,  and
update these pieces appropriately.

RLL  allows  the  specifics  of  a   problem  to  guide  the  nature   and
implementation of the user's final ES -- rather than force the system into
some particular formalism.

The reaminder of this section fleshes out our so-far skeletal  description
of RLL.  Subsection  explains how facts are  represented in RLL  ,
and shows how this  structure is adequate to  handle knowledge about  both
the particular domain  (eg Oil  Spills) and RLL  internals themselves  (eg
facts about  slots  or  control  mechanisms).   This  section  includes  a
concrete example, using RLL's  management of rules to  show first how  the
facts are stored, and then how  various type of modifications can be  done
-- ie how RLL  has attained this degree  of flexibility.  Section
describes the control structure used  for this partcular OSS  application,
in a  fair amount  of detail.   This  section also  explains how  RLL  can
provide  the  self-describing   and  self-modifying  abilities   discussed
previously, and  yet retain  (recapture) almost  all the  efficiency of  a
hand-tailored system.  The final two  sections describe how RLL fits  into
the world, and what yet remains to be done.

! Knowledge Representation in RLL

RLL is based  on the "To  every thing, a  unit" philosophy.  This  uniform
representation system extends  to all  domain knowledge  (e.g., units  for
each type of oil  and each pipe junction),  and also to all  repreentation
knowledge (e.g.,  units  for  the  Viscosity type  of  slot  and  for  the
BackChain control regime).

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsFrom:	(M6-3 M6-2)
     FeedsInto:	 M6-9

     Isa:		(AnyClassOfPhysObjects)
     Examples:		(M6-2, M6-3, ...)
     Description:	The class of all manholes.

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Inverse:		(Examples)
     Description:	The slot signifying membership in a class.
     MakesSenseFor:	(Anything)

     Isa:		(AnySlot  OilSpillConcept)
     Inverse:		FeedsInto
     Description:	The slot naming the upstream manholes.
     MakesSenseFor:	(AnyManhole)


RLL  is,  for   better  or   worse,  committed  to   using  a   particular
representation at its heart, though the apparent one seen by the user  may
easily be changed, and  in principle the innermost  RLL might be as  well.
That representation comprises a semantic  network, with each node being  a
structured frame-like "unit" whose attributes  (slots) are defined with  a
set of property-value pairs.  We will show below the great flexibility RLL
does provide,  within this  constraint.  We  use the  notation Oil:Isa  to
refer to the value of the Isa slot of the unit Oil.

The first unit in the box above refers to a specific objects which  exists
in the real world -- M6-2 represents manhole #2 on waterline #6.  The next
unit represents  a class  of physical  objects; AnyManhole  encodes  facts
about the set  of all  manholes.  The next  two units  represent kinds  of
slots.  Of course there are dozens of  slots absent from the units in  the
figure  (e.g.,  Worth  of  M6-2,  Cardinality  of  AnyManhole,  Format  of

Some types of  units (e.g.,  those representing events)  can have  varying
degrees of generality.  Consider an example:   We may want to say  general
things about oil spilling  into a body  of water -- eg,  that it causes  a
sheen.  Ideally all  such facts  should be stored  in one  place, say  the
OilSpillingIntoWater unit, in  such a manner  that every more  specialized
case, will automatically  inherit these  facts.  We want  RLL to  conclude
that oil spilling into a stream will cause a sheen in that stream once  it
knows    that    OilSpillingIntoStream    is    a    specialization     of
OilSpillingIntoWater.   We   could  go   on   to  describe   facts   about
OilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOC, a  unit  which,  in  turn,  can  be  further
restricted into  MachineOilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOCAfterOutFall93,  which
can                   be                   restricted                   to
AfterOutFall93onAug23.  Clearly we  do NOT want  to spawn a  new unit  for
every point  in  n-dimensional  space.   A  new  unit  is  never  produced
arbitrarily, but rather only when there is some pertinant fact to preserve
about the event.  When  the fact is  general, it goes  on a general  event
unit, which enables its descendants to inherit these facts.

The mechanism for handling this type  of inheritance is distinct from  the
more standard ElementOf or  SubsetOf relations, and  should be treated  as
such.  RLL insures this seperation by allocating different units to  store
facts about  each  type  of  inheritance.   Various  properties  of  these
inheritance-defining units  indicate  how to  initialize  a new  unit  (as
stating that Pipe#33  is an  Example of  AnyPipe should  be handled  quite
differently  from   the   statement  that   OilSpillingIntoStream   is   a
Specialization of OilSpillingIntoWater),  or how the  values of some  slot
may be altered, to maintain this particular inheritance relation.  (eg the
SubstanceSpilt of any Specialization,  S, of OilSpillingIntoWater must  be
some  refinement  of   Oil,  whereas  S:TimeOfSpill   can  be   arbitrary.
Analogously Pipe#33 can have slots like Length or TimeOfCreation, but  not
things like Father or RangeType.)

Exactly how such data is encoded is far too detailed (and irrelevant)  for
this report; the important fact is that such facts can be stated precisely
and explicitly in  RLL.  Furthermore,  such facts  can be  altered by  the
user, if  his task  demands it.   Indeed,  the user  can even  create  new
"representational pieces":  As none of  RLL's prior tasks had needed  this
Specialization  inheritance,  our  starting  system  did  not  have   this
particular feature.   While doing  the oil  spill task,  we designed  this
totally new mechanism, and incorporated it  into RLL.  This is an  example
of a kind  of change  which takes  minutes in  RLL, and  is impossible  or
awkward for most other languages.  Note that this feature is now a part of
RLL -- subsequent users can now use this type of inheritance, as easily as
any of the  other ones  RLL "always" provided.   We envision  RLL will  be
constantly growing -- largely through additions provided by its users.

Slots are another  type of  representational piece.   As with  inheritance
modes, the information relevant to each type of slot is stored in a  unit.
The unit below shows  that:  The value  of x:FeedsInto must  be a list  of
manholes, the only x  for which x:FeedsInto is  defined is a manhole,  and
that if x:FeedsInto =  y, then y:FeedsFrom =  x (i.e. FeedsInto:Inverse  =

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	The slot naming the downstream manholes.
     Inverse:		FeedsFrom
     HighLevelDefn:	(Composition OtherEnd ConnectedPipes)
     MakesSenseFor:	(AnyManhole)
     Format:		SingleElements
     Datatype:		Unit representing a manhole.
     ToCompute:		(λ (u)  [Find the pipe, P, to which this manhole connects.
				 See which pipe, p', to which this P is connected.
				 Return the manhole m, which is connected to 
				 pipe p'.]

Note - the ToCompute of a slot indicates how to deduce its value --  i.e.
S:ToCompute is a function, F,  whose value, (F u),  is the value to  fill

It is important to  realize that those  facts shown above  are not JUST  a
description of the FeedsInto type of slot  -- it really is used to  define
this slot.  If any  of those slots  were ever changed,  the way this  slot
behaves would be affected.  For example, resetting FeedsInto:Format to  be
SetOfElements (rather  than SingleElement)  would  cause RLL  to  redefine
FeedsInto:ToCompute to return a singleton  list rather than a single  atom
(corresponding to that manhole,) and to (retroactively) fix up each  value
of u:FeedsInto.   If  that  value  were  empty,  it  would  remain  empty.
Otherwise the single value v would be changed into the list (v).

Similarly, each data structure -- each rule (condition/action  heuristic),
task (small local goal), and agenda  (list of tasks dealing with a  single
topic) --  is stored  as a  unit.  This  permits the  data to  dynamically
altered during the course of the computation, or through user input.  That
is, one uses  the same procedures  to add  in a new  unit, independent  of
whether that unit represents a new rule, a new pipe, or new type of slot.

Even the  procedures  of this  system  are  encoded in  units  --  notalby
including the  parts of  the control  structure outlined  below.  As  with
parts of the repesentation, these facts are actually used as the system is
run.  Editing the units describing them will result in changes in the flow
of control of RLL.  For  brevity, we will address  details of only one  of
these chunks -- the  rules.  Section,  which overviews the  contol
structure actually used, will then sketch the other parts of the  system's
control, emphasizing  the advantages  which  come from  "unitizing"  these

! Example - How RLL Encodes Rules

Each rule has a number of  obvious attributes.  The primary facet of  each
rule is the actual code which is to be executed.  RLL spares the user  the
arduous task of entering the actual LISP expression to be run; instead the
user can type a more laconic high-level specification of what this rule is
to do.   RLL then  "expands" this  definition into  that executable  code.
(This is done in a very general, RLL-ish manner, using facts stored in the
name of the slot.  Hence it  is the unit associated with the  ThenTellUser
slot which "knows" to expand a message, like
("Do not breath this chemical, " Chemical "!!"
 " It is " (Toxicity Chemical) ".")
into code which prints it when the user is present --
(PROGN	(WriteToUser "Do not breath this chemical, " (GetVal Chemical) "!!")
	(WriteToUser " It is " (GetVal (Toxicity Chemical)) "."))

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     Description:	Tell the user to hold his breath if the chemical is toxic.
     IfPotentallyRelevant:	(APPLY ToxicP Chemical)
     IfTrulyRelevant:	(APPLY NearbyUser ChemicalHasSeepedTo)
     ThenTellUser:	("Do not breath this chemical, " Chemical "!!"
			 " It is " (Toxicity Chemical) ".")
     ThenAddToAgenda:	EmergencyProcedures
     Priority:		High
     OnTask:		(ImminentDanger)

     Description: This task tries to find if the current situation is
	  		 dangerous; and if so, suggest solutions/fixes/alternatives.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#332, ...)

     Description: This task is called iff the current situation is dangerous;
			and issues many quick-and-dirty orders.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#981, ...)

- Note the rule above is what the user would type.
RLL would use this to compute the actual to-be-run code, as it was needed.

There are several major  advantages to providing both  high and low  level
forms of a rule specification.   In addition to facilitating the  creation
of a new rules, this higher level  makes the nature of the rule easier  to
understand and reason  about, for both  the user and  RLL itself.  RLL  is
able to use different versions of the definition of the procedure or  slot
for different  type of  tasks,  in much  the  same manner  that  InterLisp
handles both compiled and interpreted forms of each function.  When a user
wishes to examine or edit a  function, IL pulls in that function's  source
listing, rather than  force the user  to peruse LAP  code.  However it  is
that low-level LAP code  which IL actually  runs.  Similarly when  someone
wants to examine a rule, (ie estimate how long it will take, or  determine
what sorts  of things  this  execution will  affect,) the  rule's  concise
"declarative" form of the specification  is offered.  This, of course,  is
NOT the form  which is actually  run.  The much-less-perspicious  expanded
form is used for this purpose.  This also represents a sizable savings  of
run-time speed.  Section addresses this, and related, issues.]

The example above shows how the specifications for this rule are scattered
about, stored in several distinct slots.  This permits different parts  to
be executed independently -- for example, allowing the quick IfPotentially
check to run  to all of  wide class of  rules; and then  running the  more
expensive IfTrulyRelevant part  only on  that small  subset which  passed.
The THEN parts are also split  up.  In common practice, once the  IF-parts
have all passed, each of the THEN parts is run, in the appropriate order.

The description above is the way a rule is evaluated "by default" --  that
is, unless  the user  has something  else in  mind.  Recall  any user  can
readily modify that rule-evaluating procedure  as well.  So, for  example,
the  user  may  decide  instead  to   execute  the  code  stored  on   the
IfWorkingOnTask slot of a rule, or  IfTodayIs, or any other set of  slots.
rather than the  current IfPotentiallyRelevant  and IfTrulyRelevant  slots
now used. In getting EURISKO running, Lenat had to define three additional
rule interpreters of  this sort,  though most of  them refer  to the  same
kindsof If- and Then- slots of rules.

The user may  also decide to  compose a single  Total-IF-Part, which  ANDs
together all of the  different types of If-parts.   Similarly he may  want
the THEN parts executed in a different order; or may have decided to  only
run those THEN parts for which he has sufficient resources.

Note that this could not be done  if each rule were simply a single  piece
of compiled code, or only a double lump of code (IF and THEN).  We claimed
above that it was  easy to change the  rule interpreter.  This is  because
that block  of  code  is itself  an  RLL  unit.  Like  the  rules,  it  is
decomposed into nice  sized chunks, which  can be independently  modified.
One such hook is  a list of  slotnames which constitute the  IF part of  a
rule, together with a  description of when that  code should be  executed.
We will return  to this  point in the  next section,  which discusses  the
basic control structure.

     Isa:		(AnyRuleInterpreter)
     Description:	This is the standard procedure used to interpret a given
			  rule.  It first executes the AND-junction of the rule's
			  If-Parts.  If the result is nonNIL, it executes all of
			  rule's Then-Parts.
     HighLevelDefn:	(IF (AND-Junction ProcessPart IfParts)
			    (AND-Junction ProcessPart ThenParts))
     UsedByRules:	(Rule#3 Rule#5 ...)

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	The value of this slot is the list of slots of the unit
			  (here a rule) which descend from the class, AnyIfPart.
			  These are ordered by the value of their respective
     HighLevelDefn:	(PutInOrder (Subsetting MySlots 
						(ValueIncludes Isa AnyIfPart))
     MakesSenseFor:	Rules
     Datatype:		Slots
     Format:		OrderedSetOfElements

Simplified version of the Standard Rule Interpreter.
Much of its code is "hidden" in the parts of the HighLevelDefn -- eg 
IF, AND-Junction, ...  Of course, these too are units, and are visible to the
interested user.
(The IfParts unit is shown, to dissuade those who do not believe this claim.)

Before  leaving   this  rule   description,   there  are   several   other
"declarative" facts which  might be  stored in each  rule.  One  important
slot is the average  CPU time this  rule has spent,  for executing its  IF
parts and  THEN  parts,  respectively.   This  can  be  used  for  various
meta-level reasoning tasks --  such as deciding  whether to even  consider
this rule in the future (ie did its bang justify its bucks).

Each rule also  records, in a  slot, the  name of its  author or  creator,
which might be  a person  and might be  another rule  (rules can  inspect,
modify, and  synthesize  other  rules).   This  can  help  decide  who  to
credit/blame for good/bad rules; and this data can help the overall system
to improve its performance by relying  more and more on capable (that  is,
successful) rule writers.  Finally, the  user himself can store any  other
type of information he wants -- these are just things which we feel may be
useful types of statistics.

Of course various  inference schemes  -- most  importantly an  inheritance
hierarchy -- are used to simplify data  entry.  A new rule can be  entered
by merely copying that existing prototype, and changing only those entries
which are  inappropriate.  Hence  the bulk  of the  properties are  simply
inherited from more general ideas -- here from RLL's facts about rules  in
general.  *

[Fnnote*:  In fact, for pedagogic reasons,  we might make the novice  user
master only a small subset of the slots initially present in RLL.  He need
learn about other dimensions of RLL's extendability only when he begins to
complain about how awkward it is to  encode this or that fact, or  wonders
why he can't  seem to capture  some particular type  of idea.  Until  that
time,  for  example,  he  need   have  nothing  more  that  a   "behaviour
description" of the rule  interpreter -- which is  all he would ever  know
about the corresponding evaluator in most other expert systems.]

The above  description  of rules  illustrates  the degree  of  flexibility
available to the user  at the designing stage.   The current RLL  includes
many rule interpreters which we, the RLL designers, felt were  appropriate
and useful.  It is important to  realize, however, that the eventual  user
is not limited  to only  these.  Not  only is he  free to  design his  own
interpreters, but  RLL aids  in  this mission,  by providing  tools  which
facilitate constructing  such interpreters.   Indeed, as  these tools  are
represented in RLL as well, the  user can even construct his own  building
aids, if he feels the need.

There are  similar  mechanisms for  implementing  the processes  used  for
"running" agendae, or  tasks, or  other control regimes.   (For example  a
black board architecture,  for other  types of  tasks.)  Corresponding  to
each such  process is  the data  structure to  which it  applies; and  RLL
includes means  for  extending  or  adapting those  as  well  --  ways  of
extending tasks, for instance.

This section  tried to  demonstrate how  useful RLL's  competence in  this
programming domain is  when designing  and building a  new expert  system.
The next subsection shows another application of this facility -- when the
user wishes to modify his  existing ES.  Here the  user has the option  of
changing his mind later, and know that RLL will modify not only the  code,
but perform the retroactive updates to his data required to keep code  and
data in synch.

! RLL's Modifiability

Different system  have different  conventions defining  what part  of  the
running  system  is  changable,  and  which  is,  to  all  but  the   most
sophisticated user, untouchable.  By design  even casual users can  enter,
change or  delete  "domain  data"  --  facts,  in  this  case,  about  the
connectivity of pipes,  or the  precise placements  of various  buildings.
(Eg if  the user  later  realizes that  Pipe#406 really  joined  Pipe#317,
rather than Pipe#316 as he had thought.)

In many representations systems,  the user can  addres and modify  generic
objects as well -- for example, respecify which features are  well-defined
for types of roads, or redraw  the taxonomical information about types  of
oil.  In  addition to  these, some  languages permit  the user  to  define
totally new types of  relations -- in  the form of new  slots for our  RLL
language.  (For example, the FeedsInto  slot which was handily defined  as
the Composition of the OtherEnd and the ConnectedPipes slots.)

These definitions can be used to redefine the "meaning" of a slot as  well
as initiate one.  Suppose you realized  that pipes could really join  many
pipes, rather  than just  one.  This  would be  difficult to  say in  many
languages -- indeed the only solution in most might require throwing  away
that FeedsInto link and defining a totally new FeedsIntoS link.  Even then
all of the existing data would have to be transfered, regrettably by hand.

In RLL, on the other  hand, all of the  executable code is made  explicit,
and the user is permitted to modify it to suit his design.  All he need do
is edit the  FeedsInto unit,  examine the  Datatype slot,  notice it  says
SingleElement, and change  that to  read SetOfElements.  As  he exits  the
editor, RLL makes  the necessary  changes and all  units' FeedsInto  slots
will look like singleton sets, and  can have multiple entries added on  at
any time.

As we earlier pointed out, RLL provides various tools for such adaptations
-- for example, the high  level specification language for functions,  and
the use  of appropriately  chunking the  knowledge.  (These  are the  same
things which proved so useful for constructing of parts -- but it is  also
be exploited for retro-actively modifying existing parts.)  RLL's  uniform
representation of facts makes  changing the code as  easy as altering  any
domain data -- as the facts which specifies a slot's arity is in the  same
format as data about Oil#31, or  any other domain or representation  fact.
Furthermore,  RLL's  "understanding"  of  things  like  SingleElement  and
SetOfElements allows it to do all the appropriate fixes, automatically.

RLL extends this modifiability to  include the control structure as  well.
This permits the user to  construct his own form  of control, as he  needs

The next section outlines  the contol structure we  found useful for  this
particular Oil Spill task.  We wish to emphasize, again, that this  Agenda
mechanism is but one of  several control structures, some implemented  and
some merely envisioned --  and that the user  could have designed his  own
from smaller pieces supplied by RLL, using tools present in RLL.

!  Control

The characteristics  of  the  user's current  domain  task  will  strongly
influence the choice  of which  control regime to  select, what  inference
algorithms will be active, what slots will be employed, etc.  For example,
the complete OSS is  expected to perform a  variety of different tasks  --
from determining the type of  the spill to performing various  remediation
tasks,   such   as   notifying   the   authorities.    Another   important
characteristic of this job is the  timeliness and ordering of these  tasks
-- the importance of  recording the occupation  of first witness  dwindles
when compared with  telling him  not to  breathe the  toxic fumes.   Hence
determining the toxicity of the vapors should be of paramount  importance,
especially when the leak might be  near people.  A well structured  agenda
seemed ideally suited to  these specifications.  The  agenda has tasks  of
varying levels  of generality,  each justified  by some  symbolic  reasons
which yield a numeric  priority value for the  task.  Some tasks, such  as
those involving human  lives, will  have much higher  priority than  tasks
whose reasons are "long-term  demographic data".  As  a task executes,  it
may add new tasks to the agenda, occasionally supplanting what would  have
been the next task to execute.

This Control subsection  has three  other parts.   The first  is simply  a
quick behaviour sketch of  this overall mechanism.   The second part  goes
into more  detail, describing  how these  chunks of  code were  generated,
encoded, and processed.  These  descriptions seem to  imply the RLL  must,
necessarily, be hideously  slow.  This is  NOT the case.   The third  part
specifically  addresses  the   issues  of  speed   and  efficiency  --   a
sufficiently important, and  misunderstood, point that  it deserved to  be
included in this description  of RLL.  Almost all  of the lost  efficiency
can be recaptured.

! Overview of Agenda Mechanism

The agenda contains an unordered set of tasks, which are processed one  at
a time.   Tasks  are  chosen  based  on  the  priorities  of  the  reasons
supporting them.  Each task is designed to performs a particular  bitesize
job, to meet a local  goal.  For example, the goal  of one task may be  to
determine the values of some parameters, (e.g. the task MatType  attempted
to deduce the  type of material  which had spilt,)  another may add  other
tasks to this agenda,  (for example, the task  in charge of effecting  the
Countermeasures added several new tasks to the agenda - one to notify  the
authorities, another to  begin the clean  up process, etc.)   and a  third
type would print out instructions/requests to the user (eg "go to  Manhole
#34 and tell me if you see oil").  There were several other (pre-existing)
kinds of tasks which were not necessary for this particular domain --  for
example, one type could suggest and create a new concept.

In general, executing  a task  involves first  collecting relevant  rules,
then ordering and  firing this list  in sequence.  (For  this limited  oil
spill project, this collection step was  trivial -- it was simply  looking
up the set of rules pre-stored  on each particular task.)  There are  many
types of rules, each charged with (attempting to) achieve a different type
of goal.  (In  this sense they  are similar  to tasks, only  in a  smaller
scale.)  Some rules employ a  known technique (algorithm) to evaluate  the
value of  some attribute.   (For example,  determining the  toxicity of  a
given material by looking  it up in  a table.)  Others  may decide to  add
additional rules to this rule-set, or propose adding a particular new task
to the agenda.  Still others may  suggest that the current task (in  which
this rules occurs) be suspended, to  await necessary new data.  (Note  the
flow of command is quite structured.  Each rule, task or agenda* can  only
effect its immediate surroundings.  More global changes are performing  to
sending messages to its overlord, proposing this alteration.)

* Footnote: RLL (EURISKO)  is capable of dealing  with several agendae  --
swapping among them  as need arises.   This facility was  one of many  RLL
features which were not needed for this job.

! The Details of the Agenda Mechanism

We chose to view each part of the overall control as a process --
each operation took some prescribed type of input, and performed
some action, possibly returning a result.
As sketched in the previous subsection, the "Agenda-Processor" looked like this:

Initialize <Agenda>
Loop thru <Tasks>:
  Get next <Task>, T
  Process T
PostMortem <Agenda>.

The "Task-Processor" is (not surprisingly) similar:

Initialize <Task>
Loop thru <Rules>:
  Get next <Rule>, R
  Process R
PostMortem <Rule>.

as is the overall OSS Process -

Initialize <OSS-System>
Loop thru <Agenda>:
  Get next <Agenda>, A
  Process A
PostMortem <OSS-System>.

This  commonality  was  factored  out,  and  exploited  by  defining   the
EuriskoProcess *  unit,  shown  below,  as a  common  "ancestor"  to  both
task-processors and agenda-processors (as well  as other types and  levels
of control structure  - such  as the  overall top-level  systems for  both
Eurisko and this OSS projects).

[*fnnote: RLL was developed as the underpinnings for the EURISKO  project,
described in  [Lenat  The Nature  of  Heuristics].  EURISKO  relies  on  a
sophisticated, modifiable agenda mechanism, which is why it was the  first
control structure developed and incorporated into RLL.]


	Isa:		(AnyClassOfObjects)
	SuperClass:	(AnyProcess)
	SubClass:	(AnyTaskProcess, AnyAgendaProcess, ...)
	Examples:	(FullEURISKO-System, FullOSS-System ...)
	TypicalExample:	TypicalEuriskoProcess

	TypicalExampleOf:  AnyEuriskoProcess
	FunctionalSlots:   (LispFn ToInitialize ToSelectNextSub ToXeqSub

Defining the task processor is now fairly straightforward -- first  create
the OSS-TaskProcessor unit as an example of AnyTaskProcess, and then  fill
in the  values of  its functional  slots:  ToInitialize,  ToSelectNextSub,
ToXeqSub, and  ToPostMortem.  (As  we'll see  in a  moment, the  value  of
LispFn is  generated from  these  components.  As  such  the user  is  NOT
expected to  enter this  value.)   Actually the  user's chore  is  further
simplified as any  of these slots  he leaves unspecified  defaults to  the
value of the corresponding slot of TypicalTaskProcess.  *

[*fnnote:  This  only works  because the  various involved  slots are  all
"inheritable slots" --  ie their  respective values can  be determined  by
following the inheritance  paths; and  because the  first prototype  these
tasks will find is TypicalTaskProcess.]


	Isa:		(AnyClassOfObjects)
	SuperClass:	(AnyEuriskoProcess)
	SubClass:	()
	Examples:	(OSS-Task-Process)
	TypicalExample:	TypicalTaskProcess

	TypicalExampleOf:  AnyTaskProcess
	ToInitialize:	   DefaultTaskInitializer
	ToSelectNextSub:   DefaultRuleSelector	
	ToXeqSub:	   DefaultRuleProcessor
	ToPostMortem:	   DefaultTaskPostMortemor

These "functions", DefaultTaskInitializer, DefaultRuleSelector, etc.,  are
themselves units, which the user can examine and modify, if desired.

The "LispFn" of this OSS-TaskProcessor is now filled in, by connecting the
code present (or virtually present) in the various functional slots of the
OSS-TaskProcessor unit, to correspond to the schema shown in above.

But so far, no one  (or rather, no task)  knows about this nice  assembled
clump of code.  To tie it in, each  task which wants to use it must  point
to this OSS-TaskProcessor.   Setting the value  of Task#34:ToProcessMe  to
OSS-TaskProcessor achieves  ths effect.   In fact,  as the  value of  this
ToProcessMe    slot    is    inheritable,    setting    the    value    of
TypicalOSSTask:ToProcessMe  to  this  OSS-TaskProcessor  means  everything
which includes TypicalOSSTask as a prototype will use OSS-TaskProcessor by
default -- unless the user, wanting a different task processor to be  used
for this particular task, explicitly stored the name of that processor  on
this slot.

Creating the OSS-AgendaProcessor is  quite similar, here exploiting  facts
stored on TypicalAgendaProcessor as  needed.  Note that  it is the  Agenda
controller which decides  what to  do with  each task.   By default,  each
agenda "processes" each of its tasks,  using the mechanism which looks  on
that task's ToProcessMe slot,  and calls that function  on this task.   Of
course, the agenda is not forced to  do this -- it may "know better",  and
use some other task-processor  -- for example, on  which is less  accurate
but quicker, for all the tasks.  Or it may only use this power  sometimes,
for example, if the agenda processor is told that storage space is low, or

! Efficiency

From  the  above  descriptions,  one  may  infer  that  RLL  is   actually
"executing" high level specifications  of various control algorithms  that
the user input.  Were  this true, RLL would  have sacrificed any hope  for
speed and (time-)efficiency for the sake of flexibility.  That is NOT  the
case.  RLL preserves  both high  level descriptions AND  what these  forms
"compile" into  -- and  it  is that  latter body  of  fast code  which  is
actually run.  Much of RLL's boot-strapping code is devoted to maintaining
these correspondences, so that any change  to a high level form marks  the
(formerly-)corresponding executable code as invalid.  On demand (that  is,
the next time that code  is needed,) RLL will  expand that new high  level
definition into runnable  code; and store  these low level  forms so  they
will accessed speedily next time the code is needed.

RLL's code  can be  arbitrarily fast.   Rather than  "interpret" the  high
level descriptions, RLL first "compiles"  these into efficient forms,  and
runs this faster code.  This costs only a constant overhead -- for the one
time charge of expanding that terse  description.  From there on the  code
can be arbitrarily efficient.  The first time a GET is done, or the  first
time the value of a high level slot is called for after its definition has
been written or changed, there will be a pause; but the next (and  future)
times there will be no noticable slowdown compared with hand-crafted  Lisp

Basically RLL  has  paid for  its  flexibility in  terms  of space  --  to
maintain the different  versions of  the code --  and not  in time.   More
details on how these multiple versions are maintained, used and cached can
be found in [Lenat et al] and [Greiner].

! System Facilities


This section, so  far, has  emphasized RLL's strengths  which derive  from
it's "competence  model"  of  programming  in general,  and  of  the  data
structures and algorithms it uses in  particular.  Many of its other  wins
are due to its  environment.  Because it  is is built on  top of CORLL,  a
demand paging  system [CORLL],  RLL  is able  to ignore  InterLisp's  256K
storage maximum, and store an almost unlimited number of units.  Other big
advantages come from  InterLisp itself --  including things like  spelling
correction and inline editors.

Having all knowledge represented uniformly  should be a powerful boost  to
attempts at meta-cognitive systems.   RLL needs this meta-level  reasoning
ability, since it must monitor and model and modify itself.   Furthermore,
it is possible to write new slots  in terms of old ones, slots which  skew
the system to be more  appropriate to CAI than  to performance on a  task.
This may aid in realizing multiple uses from a single knowledge base.


RLL's  biggest  problem,  at  this  stage  of  its  development,  is   its
immaturity.  By design, it will  continuously incorporate new facts  about
control structures,  forms of  representation  and modes  of  inheritance.
However, OSS was built way too early in this ongoing design process.   For
example, RLL had never encountered a Solvable Problem before -- all of its
previous work had been directed  towards AM-like searches --  explorations
which never terminate with  a final answer (ie  RLL knew about tasks  like
"Find examples of primes", but not  about things like "What is the  source
of the spill").

Another big weakness, which also stemmed from its youth, was its lack of a
user front end.   A trivial  example involves the  way we  were forced  to
enter the code --  everything was in a  LISPy (GetValue 'Material  'Name),
rather than a nicer "Material's name".  At a deeper level, RLL did not yet
have any notion of context -- this forced us designers to explicitly  type
(continuing  the   above  example)   "Material  name"   rather  than   the
(sufficient) "name".  A good front end  could have aided in the design  of
this system, by suggesting appropriate  data structures and algorithms  as
we went.  This too was missing.

A smaller shortcoming, again ephemeral, is RLL's dependency on  InterLisp.
Our long term plans are to build RLL into a module which can be run in MRS
[MRS].  RLL  will, at  that point,  inherit the  machine and  LISP-dialect
independence of MRS.

RLL's final major  fault seems  almost paradoxical:  it  was it's  immense
adaptability.  Too much freedom, we found, forced us to spend considerable
time deciding which of many plausible  options really was the best.   This
time, of course, was not ill-spent; the final OSS is certainly better than
the product of any system which forced a choice at each step, molding  our
final code to match the ESBp's limited set of usable components.  However,
as such external constaints would certainly have narrowed down our search,
we might even have finished the system in the four days we were  allotted.
We believe  this type  of problem  could have  been alleviated  in a  more
mature system,  which included  a  competent front  end which  would  have
served as "gentle guide" during this building process.

! Conclusion

We will conclude win  a perspective of  RLL -- in terms  of its past,  its
current status, and our long term plans.

Two years ago, RLL began as a  two week project to build a  representation
language on which  the EURISKO system  would be built.   We soon  realized
many non-trivial  research  issues  had  to be  addressed  before  such  a
general, "self-encoding"  language could  be constructed.   We  eventually
abandoned the quest for this ultimate language, satisfying ourselves  with
the generality which  was possible  within a limited  set of  constraints.
The more theoritical aspects of this representation language language work
was taken up by other members of the HPP community; and their next step is
described in [MRS].

The current system plays a necessary boot-strapping role -- certain  parts
of the system must be present, as  these are used to fill in other  parts.
For example, the code which is used to expand high level definitions  must
be present -- or at least enough of it to generate the rest of the itself.

We are expanding the number and size of the knowledge bases RLL  contains,
and as  the magnitude  and variety  expand, reasoning  by analogy  becomes
increasingly feasible.  Important in this  list of knowledge bases is  the
elusive "expertise about expertise."  It  is this knowledge which  enables
RLL to fashion new ESs with greater efficiency and accuracy.  The  EURISKO
system, by Lenat,  contains knowledge bases  about elementary  mathemtics,
games, heuristics,  representation, and  Lisp programming.   There was  no
extra work needed to add "heuristics"  to that list, since each  heuristic
was already represented the same way as, e.g., each mathematical function.
Thus the heuristics were  already capable of working  on each other.   For
instance, a heuristic rule that said "If an operation is sometimes  useful
but   very   timeconsuming,   Then   specialize   it"   could   apply   to
FunctionalComposition, but also to  heuristics -- in fact,  in one run  of
Eurisko, it even  applied to  itself.  Lisp programming  also required  no
real change  in the  RLL  system, as  each Lisp  function  has a  unit  to
represent it.  While reasoning about Lisp predicates, Eurisko noticed that
EQ appeared to be a  restriction of EQUAL, disjoined  an EQ test onto  the
front of EQUAL,  to see if  ran faster, and  lo and behold  it did!   This
minor glitch  in InterlispD  has since  been repaired.   In the  field  of
Games, Eurisko applied  the same  set of heuristics  as used  in it  other
domains to the  task of designing  a naval fleet  of ships to  be used  in
wargames, and  the fleet  it  designed won  first  place in  the  national
Traveller TCS fleet battle  tournament on July  3-5, 1981.  The  important
idea in all this is that self-descrription and uniformity are powerful  --
so powerful  that they  more  than repay  the  initial cost  of  carefully
describing every piece of  the system to  itself.  Having knowledge  which
can be  used  across domains  makes  building expert  systems  easier  and
easier, as that common KB grows.

While other ESBp  systems have  proven expedient  for tackling  particular
problems in particular domains, such  systems seem inescapably limited  in
the scope of problems they can  solve.  We feel this problem is  intrinsic
to such ESBps, at  least until they, like  the human programmers they  are
trying to emulate, are capable of  a crude understanding of the code  they
are attempting to to compose -- an understanding which is far deeper  than
the superficial level any current system (including RLL) has yet achieved.
This work grew out of earlier research on automatic programming [Green  et
al,  1975],   and  AP   still  seves   as  the   "engine"  that   converts
self-description into self-modification.  RLL was written with the goal of
attaining the necessary  level undertanding  to carry out  such a  massive
automatic programming task.


[Green et al 75] Progress Report on Program Understanding Systems, SAIL Memo
[Greiner80] - "RLL-1: ..."
[Greiner & Lenat80a] - AAAI
[Greiner & Lenat80b] - Details of RLL
[Lenat 81] The Nature of Heuristics, HPP Memo and Xerox Report
[Lenat, Hayes-Roth, & Waterman] - Cognitive Economy
[Smith] CORLL
[Genesereth, Greiner & Smith] - MRS